Marie-Pier Tremblay
Marie-Pier Tremblay
École de Psychologie, Université Laval
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Cited by
Age at symptom onset and death and disease duration in genetic frontotemporal dementia: an international retrospective cohort study
KM Moore, J Nicholas, M Grossman, CT McMillan, DJ Irwin, L Massimo, ...
The Lancet Neurology 19 (2), 145-156, 2020
Normative data for the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in middle-aged and elderly Quebec-French people
E Larouche, MP Tremblay, O Potvin, S Laforest, D Bergeron, R Laforce, ...
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 31 (7), 819-826, 2016
Normative data for the Rey–Osterrieth and the Taylor complex figure tests in Quebec-French people
MP Tremblay, O Potvin, BL Callahan, S Belleville, JF Gagnon, N Caza, ...
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 30 (1), 78-87, 2015
The effect of tDCS over the right temporo-parietal junction on pain empathy
MP Coll, MPB Tremblay, PL Jackson
Neuropsychologia 100, 110-119, 2017
The victoria stroop test: normative data in Quebec-French adults and elderly
MP Tremblay, O Potvin, S Belleville, N Bier, L Gagnon, S Blanchet, ...
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 31 (8), 926-933, 2016
The contribution of semantic memory to the recognition of basic emotions and emotional valence: Evidence from the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia
J Macoir, C Hudon, MP Tremblay, RJ Laforce, MA Wilson
Social neuroscience 14 (6), 705-716, 2019
Improving empathy in the care of pain patients
PL Jackson, F Eugène, MPB Tremblay
AJOB Neuroscience 6 (3), 25-33, 2015
Semantic memory impairment for biological and man-made objects in individuals with amnestic mild cognitive impairment or late-life depression
BL Callahan, S Joubert, MP Tremblay, J Macoir, S Belleville, F Rousseau, ...
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 28 (2), 108-116, 2015
Repeated exposure to others’ pain reduces vicarious pain intensity estimation
M Grégoire, MP Coll, MPB Tremblay, KM Prkachin, PL Jackson
European Journal of Pain 20 (10), 1644-1652, 2016
L’impact des antécédents sur les perceptions, attitudes et intentions des étudiants collégiaux et universitaires à l’égard de l’entrepreneuriat
Y Gasse, M Tremblay
XI Conférence Internationale de management stratégique, 6-9, 2007
I can but I shall not always be empathic
MPB Tremblay, A Marcoux, V Turcotte, J Woods, C Rouleau, F Grondin, ...
Psychological Reports 124 (4), 1634-1672, 2021
The neural signature of empathy for physical pain… not quite there yet!
MPB Tremblay, A Meugnot, PL Jackson
Social and interpersonal dynamics in pain: We don't suffer alone, 149-172, 2018
Étude sur les entrepreneurs et les repreneurs québécois des générations X et Y
Y Gasse, M Tremblay
Québec, Canada, Université Laval, 2014
Normative data for a computer-assisted version of the auditory three-consonant Brown-Peterson paradigm in the elderly French-Quebec population
BL Callahan, S Belleville, G Ferland, O Potvin, MP Tremblay, C Hudon, ...
The Clinical Neuropsychologist 28 (2), 317-332, 2014
Perceptions et intentions entrepreneuriales en milieu universitaire: un portrait comparatif international
Y Gasse, M Tremblay
Ponencia presentada en el congreso Actes du premier congrès de l'académie de …, 2009
Therapist and client perceptions of empathy in simulated teletherapy sessions
F Grondin, AM Lomanowska, G Belleville, MA Yampolsky, MPB Tremblay, ...
Behaviour & Information Technology 43 (7), 1471-1486, 2024
Functional connectivity patterns of trait empathy are associated with age
MPB Tremblay, I Deschamps, B Tousignant, PL Jackson
Brain and Cognition 159, 105859, 2022
P2‐206: Normative data for the montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) in middle‐aged and elderly people from a quebec‐french population
E Larouche, MP Tremblay, O Potvin, S Laforest, L Monetta, L Boucher, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 11 (7S_Part_12), P571-P572, 2015
The role of semantic memory in the recognition of emotional valence conveyed by written words
J Macoir, R Laforce, MA Wilson, MP Tremblay, C Hudon
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 27 (2), 270-288, 2020
Validation de stimuli prosodiques émotionnels chez les Franco-québécois de 50 à 80 ans
F Morneau-Sévigny, J Pouliot, S Presseau, MH Ratté, MP Tremblay, ...
Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 33 (2), 111-122, 2014
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Articles 1–20