Raja Sengupta
Raja Sengupta
Associate Professor, Geography Dept., McGill University
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Positive effects of COVID-19 lockdown on air quality of industrial cities (Ankleshwar and Vapi) of Western India
R Nigam, K Pandya, AJ Luis, R Sengupta, M Kotha
Scientific reports 11 (1), 4285, 2021
Development and comparison of approaches for automated mapping of stream channel networks
RA Heine, CL Lant, RR Sengupta
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 94 (3), 477-490, 2004
Agent-based modelling environment for spatial decision support
RR Sengupta, DA Bennett
International Journal of geographical information science 17 (2), 157-180, 2003
Spatial patterns of illegal resource extraction in Kibale National Park, Uganda
CA Mackenzie, CA Chapman, R Sengupta
Environmental conservation 39 (1), 38-50, 2012
Agent‐based simulation of urban residential dynamics and land rent change in a gentrifying area of Boston
J Jackson, B Forest, R Sengupta
Transactions in GIS 12 (4), 475-491, 2008
An agent-based model of red colobus resources and disease dynamics implicates key resource sites as hot spots of disease transmission
TR Bonnell, RR Sengupta, CA Chapman, TL Goldberg
Ecological Modelling 221 (20), 2491-2500, 2010
Spatial scale and population assignment choices in environmental justice analyses
MT Most, R Sengupta, MA Burgener
The Professional Geographer 56 (4), 574-586, 2004
Primate population dynamics: variation in abundance over space and time
CA Chapman, S Bortolamiol, I Matsuda, PA Omeja, FP Paim, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 27, 1221-1238, 2018
The potential connectivity of waterhole networks and the effectiveness of a protected area under various drought scenarios
G O’Farrill, K Gauthier Schampaert, B Rayfield, Ö Bodin, S Calme, ...
PloS one 9 (5), e95049, 2014
Modeling enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program by using agents within spatial decision support systems: an example from southern Illinois
R Sengupta, C Lant, S Kraft, J Beaulieu, W Peterson, T Loftus
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 32 (6), 821-834, 2005
How is shrimp aquaculture transforming coastal livelihoods and lagoons in Estero Real, Nicaragua?: The need to integrate social–ecological research and ecosystem-based approaches
K Benessaiah, R Sengupta
Environmental Management 54, 162-179, 2014
Metrics for characterizing network structure and node importance in Spatial Social Networks
D Sarkar, C Andris, CA Chapman, R Sengupta
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 33 (5), 1017-1039, 2019
How do primates survive among humans? Mechanisms employed by vervet monkeys at Lake Nabugabo, Uganda
CA Chapman, D Twinomugisha, JA Teichroeb, K Valenta, R Sengupta, ...
Ethnoprimatology: Primate conservation in the 21st century, 77-94, 2016
Geospatial agents, agents everywhere...
R Sengupta, R Sieber
Transactions in GIS 11 (4), 483-506, 2007
Primates can be a rallying symbol to promote tropical forest restoration
CA Chapman, JC Bicca-Marques, AE Dunham, P Fan, PJ Fashing, ...
Folia Primatologica 91 (6), 669-687, 2020
Social behaviours and networks of vervet monkeys are influenced by gastrointestinal parasites
CA Chapman, S Friant, K Godfrey, C Liu, D Sakar, VAM Schoof, ...
PloS one 11 (8), e0161113, 2016
Mapping crop types, irrigated areas, and cropping intensities in heterogeneous landscapes of Southern India using multi-temporal medium-resolution imagery
E Heller, JM Rhemtulla, S Lele, M Kalacska, S Badiger, R Sengupta, ...
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 78 (8), 815-827, 2012
Chasing baboons or attending class: protected areas and childhood education in Uganda
CA Mackenzie, RR Sengupta, R Kaoser
Environmental Conservation 42 (4), 373-383, 2015
A spatial decision support system to identify species-specific critical habitats based on size and accessibility using US GAP data
BD Larson, RR Sengupta
Environmental Modelling & Software 19 (1), 7-18, 2004
Landscape characteristics of Rhizophora mangle forests and propagule deposition in coastal environments of Florida (USA)
R Sengupta, B Middleton, C Yan, M Zuro, H Hartman
Landscape Ecology 20, 63-72, 2005
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Articles 1–20