Sam Musallam
Sam Musallam
Associate Professor McGill University
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Cognitive control signals for neural prosthetics
S Musallam, BD Corneil, B Greger, H Scherberger, RA Andersen
Science 305 (5681), 258-262, 2004
Selecting the signals for a brain–machine interface
RA Andersen, S Musallam, B Pesaran
Current opinion in neurobiology 14 (6), 720-726, 2004
Decoding trajectories from posterior parietal cortex ensembles
GH Mulliken, S Musallam, RA Andersen
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (48), 12913-12926, 2008
NeuroMEMS: neural probe microtechnologies
M HajjHassan, V Chodavarapu, S Musallam
Sensors 8 (10), 6704-6726, 2008
Forward estimation of movement state in posterior parietal cortex
GH Mulliken, S Musallam, RA Andersen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (24), 8170-8177, 2008
A floating metal microelectrode array for chronic implantation
S Musallam, MJ Bak, PR Troyk, RA Andersen
Journal of neuroscience methods 160 (1), 122-127, 2007
Cognitive neural prosthetics
RA Andersen, JW Burdick, S Musallam, B Pesaran, JG Cham
Trends in cognitive sciences 8 (11), 486-493, 2004
Opsoclonus in three dimensions: oculographic, neuropathologic and modelling correlates
AMF Wong, S Musallam, RD Tomlinson, P Shannon, JA Sharpe
Journal of the neurological sciences 189 (1-2), 71-81, 2001
Low-Power Circuits for Brain-Machine Interfaces
RA Sarpeshkar, R. Wattanapanitch, W. Rapoport, B. I. Arfin, S. K. Baker, M ...
Circuits and Systems, 2007. ISCAS 2007. IEEE International Symposium on …, 2007
Cognitive neural prosthetics
B Pesaran, S Musallam, RA Andersen
Current Biology 16 (3), R77-R80, 2006
Parietal reach region encodes reach depth using retinal disparity and vergence angle signals
R Bhattacharyya, S Musallam, RA Andersen
Journal of neurophysiology 102 (2), 805-816, 2009
A new multi-site probe array with monolithically integrated parylene flexible cable for neural prostheses
C Pang, JG Cham, Z Nenadic, S Musallam, YC Tai, JW Burdick, ...
2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, 7114-7117, 2006
Magnetic resonance image-guided implantation of chronic recording electrodes in the macaque intraparietal sulcus
H Scherberger, I Fineman, S Musallam, DJ Dubowitz, KA Bernheim, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 130 (1), 1-8, 2003
Recording advances for neural prosthetics
RA Andersen, JW Burdick, S Musallam, H Scherberger, B Pesaran, ...
The 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine …, 2004
Research in the journal
BJ Andersen, JW Burdick, S Musallam, B Pesaran, JG Cham
Landscape Ecology 2005, 129-34, 1987
Optically interrogated solid state biosensors incorporating porous materials—devices
M Hajj-Hassan, V Chodavarapu, S Musallam
US Patent 8,263,986, 2012
Microfabrication of ultra-long reinforced silicon neural electrodes
M Hajj-Hassan, VP Chodavarapu, S Musallam
Micro & Nano Letters 4 (1), 53-58, 2009
Asymmetric integration recorded from vestibular-only cells in response to position transients
S Musallam, RD Tomlinson
Journal of neurophysiology 88 (4), 2104-2113, 2002
Cognitive based neural prosthetics
RA Andersen, S Musallam, JW Burdick, JG Cham
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 2005
A biomimetic adaptive algorithm and low-power architecture for implantable neural decoders
BI Rapoport, W Wattanapanitch, HL Penagos, S Musallam, RA Andersen, ...
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
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Articles 1–20