Erika Braithwaite
Erika Braithwaite
CEO + co-founder Precision Analytics | Adjunct Professor McGill University
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The predictive validity of clinical ratings of the Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START)
E Braithwaite, Y Charette, AG Crocker, A Reyes
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 9 (4), 271-281, 2010
Effects of Housing First on employment and income of homeless individuals: Results of a randomized trial
D Poremski, V Stergiopoulos, E Braithwaite, J Distasio, R Nisenbaum, ...
Psychiatric Services 67 (6), 603-609, 2016
To detain or to release? Correlates of dispositions for individuals declared not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder.
S Crocker, Braithwaite, Côté, Nicholls
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 56 (5), 293-302, 2011
START changing practice: Implementing a risk assessment and management tool in a civil psychiatric setting
AG Crocker, E Braithwaite, D Laferrière, D Gagnon, C Venegas, T Jenkins
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 10 (1), 13-28, 2011
Projet Chez Soi–Rapport final du site de Montréal
E Latimer, D Rabouin, C Méthot, C McAll, A Ly, H Dorvil, A Crocker, L Roy, ...
Calgary, Alberta, Commission de la santé mentale du Canada, 2014
At Home/Chez soi Project-Montréal Site Final Report/Projet Chez soi-Rapport final du site de Montréal
E Latimer, D Rabouin, C Méthot, C McAll, A Ly, H Dorvil, A Crocker, L Roy, ...
Calgary: Mental Health Commission of Canada, 2014
At Home/Chez Soi Project: Montréal Site Final Report
E Latimer, D Rabouin, C Méthot, C McAll, A Ly, H Dorvil, E Braithwaite
Calgary, AB: Mental Health Commission of Canada, 2014
Perspectives in violence risk assessment and management in mental health services
AG Crocker, G Côté, E Braithwaite
Applied research and evaluation in community mental health services: A …, 2011
Troubles mentaux et comportements violents
A Crocker, G Côté, E Braithwaite
Manuel de réadaptation psychiatrique, 275-299, 2012
To detain or to discharge
AG Crocker, E Braithwaite, TL Nicholls, MC Seto, G Côté, E Latimer
Predicting dispositions regarding individuals declared not criminally …, 2010
Étude de la mise en œuvre du Programme d’accompagnement Justice-Santé Mentale (PAJ-SM)
AG Crocker, L Salem
Rapport déposé au comité de suivi du projet pilote à la Cour municipale de …, 2010
Mass incarceration or massive failure? Unintended impacts on population health and health inequalities
E Braithwaite
McGill University (Canada), 2016
Re: Hjorthøj et al.’s article: Risk of suicide according to level of psychiatric treatment: a nationwide nested case–control study, Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2014
E Braithwaite, G Gariépy, M Wiens-Kinkaid, M Elbejjani, R Fuhrer
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 50, 165-166, 2015
Examining the incremental validity of psychopathy versus antisocial personality disorder in understanding patterns of criminal behavior
E Braithwaite
Effects of Housing First on employment and income of homeless individuals: results of a randomized trial
L Poremski, Braithwaite, Nisenbaum, Stergiopoulos, Distasio
Psychiatric Services, 2015
Examining the effect of parental incarceration on youth mental health and substance abuse
E Braithwaite, A Nandi
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Articles 1–16