Davide Duzzi
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Does it look painful or disgusting? Ask your parietal and cingulate cortex
F Benuzzi, F Lui, D Duzzi, PF Nichelli, CA Porro
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (4), 923-931, 2008
Neural bases of conditioned placebo analgesia
F Lui, L Colloca, D Duzzi, D Anchisi, F Benedetti, CA Porro
PAIN® 151 (3), 816-824, 2010
Neural substrates for observing and imagining non-object-directed actions
F Lui, G Buccino, D Duzzi, F Benuzzi, G Crisi, P Baraldi, P Nichelli, ...
Social neuroscience 3 (3-4), 261-275, 2008
Modulation of affective symptoms and resting state activity by brain stimulation in a treatment-resistant case of obsessive–compulsive disorder
C Volpato, F Piccione, M Cavinato, D Duzzi, S Schiff, L Foscolo, A Venneri
Neurocase 19 (4), 360-370, 2013
Touch or pain? Spatio-temporal patterns of cortical fMRI activity following brief mechanical stimuli
F Lui, D Duzzi, M Corradini, M Serafini, P Baraldi, CA Porro
Pain 138 (2), 362-374, 2008
A quantitative comparison of BOLD fMRI responses to noxious and innocuous stimuli in the human spinal cord
PE Summers, D Ferraro, D Duzzi, F Lui, GD Iannetti, CA Porro
Neuroimage 50 (4), 1408-1415, 2010
Structural and functional cerebral correlates of hypnotic suggestibility
A Huber, F Lui, D Duzzi, G Pagnoni, CA Porro
PloS one 9 (3), e93187, 2014
Brain activation in highly superior autobiographical memory: The role of the precuneus in the autobiographical memory retrieval network
G Mazzoni, A Clark, A De Bartolo, C Guerrini, Z Nahouli, D Duzzi, ...
Cortex 120, 588-602, 2019
Cognitive stimulation of the default-mode network modulates functional connectivity in healthy aging
M De Marco, F Meneghello, D Duzzi, J Rigon, C Pilosio, A Venneri
Brain research bulletin 121, 26-41, 2016
Left amygdala and putamen activation modulate emotion driven decisions in the iterated prisoner’s dilemma game
I Eimontaite, I Schindler, M De Marco, D Duzzi, A Venneri, V Goel
Frontiers in neuroscience 13, 741, 2019
Human Parietofrontal Networks Related to Action Observation Detected at Rest
E Molinari, P Baraldi, M Campanella, D Duzzi, L Nocetti, G Pagnoni, ...
Cerebral Cortex, 2012
Cognitive efficiency in Alzheimer’s disease is associated with increased occipital connectivity
M De Marco, D Duzzi, F Meneghello, A Venneri
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 57 (2), 541-556, 2017
Recovery from emotion recognition impairment after temporal lobectomy
F Benuzzi, G Zamboni, S Meletti, M Serafini, F Lui, P Baraldi, D Duzzi, ...
Frontiers in neurology 5, 92, 2014
Voluntary modulation of mental effort investment: an fMRI study
OT Khachouf, G Chen, D Duzzi, CA Porro, G Pagnoni
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 17191, 2017
Brain networks responsive to aversive visual stimuli in humans
F Benuzzi, F Lui, D Duzzi, PF Nichelli, CA Porro
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 27 (8), 1088-1095, 2009
Functional Connectivity of the Claustrum in Mild Cognitive Impairment and the Impact of the ApoE ε4 Allele (P6. 176)
M De Marco, A Vallelunga, D Duzzi, F Meneghello, A Venneri
Neurology 84 (14_supplement), P6. 176, 2015
P4–253: Neuroplastic effects induced by treatment with rivastigmine in MCI increase functional connectivity between the hippocampus and other limbic and cortical regions
A Venneri, D Duzzi, C Pilosio, J Rigon, F Meneghello
Alzheimer's & Dementia 9, P798-P799, 2013
Regained functional connectivity between the hippocampus, posterior cingulate and precuneus, and right frontal cortex in MCI treated with rivastigmine
A Venneri, D Duzzi, C Pilosio, J Rigon, F Bevilacqua, F Meneghello
NEUROLOGY 80, 2013
Sensitivity and specificity of the action observation network to kinematics, target object, and gesture meaning
F Simonelli, G Handjaras, F Benuzzi, G Bernardi, A Leo, D Duzzi, ...
Human Brain Mapping 45 (11), e26762, 2024
Voxel Sensitivity to Kinematic and Object-related Features During Action Observation
F Simonelli, G Hannjaras, F Benuzzi, G Bernarni, A Leo, D Duzzi, ...
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Articles 1–20