Olga Epitropaki
Olga Epitropaki
Professor and Deputy Executive Dean (Research), Durham University Business School
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Cited by
Leader–member exchange (LMX) and performance: A meta‐analytic review
R Martin, Y Guillaume, G Thomas, A Lee, O Epitropaki
Personnel psychology 69 (1), 67-121, 2016
From ideal to real: a longitudinal study of the role of implicit leadership theories on leader-member exchanges and employee outcomes.
O Epitropaki, R Martin
Journal of applied psychology 90 (4), 659, 2005
Implicit leadership theories in applied settings: factor structure, generalizability, and stability over time.
O Epitropaki, R Martin
Journal of applied psychology 89 (2), 293, 2004
Transformational leadership and moral reasoning.
N Turner, J Barling, O Epitropaki, V Butcher, C Milner
Journal of applied Psychology 87 (2), 304, 2002
Leadership and followership identity processes: A multilevel review
O Epitropaki, R Kark, C Mainemelis, RG Lord
The Leadership Quarterly 28 (1), 104-129, 2017
The moderating role of individual differences in the relation between transformational/transactional leadership perceptions and organizational identification
O Epitropaki, R Martin
The Leadership Quarterly 16 (4), 569-589, 2005
Implicating trust in the innovation process
C Clegg, K Unsworth, O Epitropaki, G Parker
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 75 (4), 409-422, 2002
Implicit leadership and followership theories “in the wild”: Taking stock of information-processing approaches to leadership and followership in organizational settings
O Epitropaki, T Sy, R Martin, S Tram-Quon, A Topakas
The Leadership Quarterly 24 (6), 858-881, 2013
The role of leader‐member exchanges in mediating the relationship between locus of control and work reactions
R Martin, G Thomas, K Charles, O Epitropaki, R McNamara
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 78 (1), 141-147, 2005
Creative leadership: A multi-context conceptualization
C Mainemelis, R Kark, O Epitropaki
Academy of Management Annals 9 (1), 393-482, 2015
Effective leadership in salient groups: Revisiting leader-member exchange theory from the perspective of the social identity theory of leadership
MA Hogg, R Martin, O Epitropaki, A Mankad, A Svensson, K Weeden
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 31 (7), 991-1004, 2005
A multi‐level investigation of psychological contract breach and organizational identification through the lens of perceived organizational membership: Testing a moderated …
O Epitropaki
Journal of Organizational Behavior 34 (1), 65-86, 2013
Implicit leadership theories, implicit followership theories, and dynamic processing of leadership information
RG Lord, O Epitropaki, RJ Foti, TK Hansbrough
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 7 (1 …, 2020
Role of organizational identification on implicit leadership theories (ILTs), transformational leadership and work attitudes
R Martin, O Epitropaki
Group processes & intergroup relations 4 (3), 247-262, 2001
The impact of relational demography on the quality of leader‐member exchanges and employees' work attitudes and well‐being
O Epitropaki, R Martin
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 72 (2), 237-240, 1999
Transformational–transactional leadership and upward influence: The role of relative leader–member exchanges (RLMX) and perceived organizational support (POS)
O Epitropaki, R Martin
The Leadership Quarterly 24 (2), 299-315, 2013
Affect networks: a structural analysis of the relationship between work ties and job-related affect.
P Totterdell, T Wall, D Holman, H Diamond, O Epitropaki
Journal of applied psychology 89 (5), 854, 2004
Identity leadership going global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory across 20 countries
R Van Dick, JE Lemoine, NK Steffens, R Kerschreiter, SA Akfirat, L Avanzi, ...
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 91 (4), 697-728, 2018
A review of leader–member exchange research: Future prospects and directions
R Martin, O Epitropaki, G Thomas, A Topakas
International review of industrial and organizational psychology 2010 25, 35-88, 2010
Social cognition in leader–follower relationships: Applying insights from relationship science to understanding relationship‐based approaches to leadership
G Thomas, R Martin, O Epitropaki, Y Guillaume, A Lee
Journal of Organizational Behavior 34 (S1), S63-S81, 2013
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Articles 1–20