Lalena M Yarris, MD, MCR
Cited by
Cited by
Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 8e
JE Tintinalli, JS Stapczynski, OJ Ma, DM Yealy, GD Meckler, DM Cline
McGraw Hill Education, 2016
Telesimulation: an innovative tool for health professions education
CE McCoy, J Sayegh, R Alrabah, LM Yarris
AEM education and training 1 (2), 132-136, 2017
Attending and resident satisfaction with feedback in the emergency department
LM Yarris, JA Linden, H Gene Hern, C Lefebvre, DM Nestler, R Fu, ...
Academic emergency medicine 16, S76-S81, 2009
Examining reliability and validity of an online score (ALiEM AIR) for rating free open access medical education resources
TMY Chan, A Grock, M Paddock, K Kulasegaram, LM Yarris, M Lin
Annals of emergency medicine 68 (6), 729-735, 2016
Finding your people in the digital age: virtual communities of practice to promote education scholarship
LM Yarris, TM Chan, M Gottlieb, AM Juve
Journal of graduate medical education 11 (1), 1-5, 2019
The ALiEM faculty incubator: a novel online approach to faculty development in education scholarship
TM Chan, M Gottlieb, J Sherbino, R Cooney, M Boysen-Osborn, ...
Academic Medicine 93 (10), 1497-1502, 2018
Feedback in medical education: a critical appraisal
JG Kornegay, A Kraut, D Manthey, R Omron, H Caretta‐Weyer, G Kuhn, ...
AEM education and training 1 (2), 98-109, 2017
Comparing diagnostic performance and the utility of clinical vignette-based assessment under testing conditions designed to encourage either automatic or analytic thought
JS Ilgen, JL Bowen, LA McIntyre, KV Banh, D Barnes, WC Coates, J Druck, ...
Academic Medicine 88 (10), 1545-1551, 2013
Approved instructional resources series: a national initiative to identify quality emergency medicine blog and podcast content for resident education
M Lin, N Joshi, A Grock, A Swaminathan, EJ Morley, J Branzetti, T Taira, ...
Journal of graduate medical education 8 (2), 219-225, 2016
Pediatric educational needs assessment for urban and rural emergency medical technicians
RJ Fleischman, LM Yarris, MT Curry, SC Yuen, AR Breon, GD Meckler
Pediatric emergency care 27 (12), 1130-1135, 2011
Adapting the I-PASS handoff program for emergency department inter-shift handoffs
JA Heilman, M Flanigan, A Nelson, T Johnson, LM Yarris
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 17 (6), 756, 2016
Feedback: cultivating a positive culture
A Kraut, LM Yarris, J Sargeant
Journal of graduate medical education 7 (2), 262-264, 2015
Reasons why patients choose an ambulance and willingness to consider alternatives
LM Yarris, R Moreno, TA Schmidt, AL Adams, HS Brooks
Academic emergency medicine 13 (4), 401-405, 2006
Taking your qualitative research to the next level: a guide for the medical educator
NC Schneider, WC Coates, LM Yarris
AEM education and training 1 (4), 368-378, 2017
Expertise, time, money, mentoring, and reward: systemic barriers that limit education researcher productivity—proceedings from the AAMC GEA workshop
LM Yarris, AM Juve, AR Artino Jr, GM Sullivan, S Rougas, B Joyce, K Eva
Journal of graduate medical education 6 (3), 430-436, 2014
Effect of an educational intervention on faculty and resident satisfaction with real‐time feedback in the emergency department
LM Yarris, R Fu, J LaMantia, JA Linden, H Gene Hern, C Lefebvre, ...
Academic Emergency Medicine 18 (5), 504-512, 2011
Constructing a shared mental model for faculty development for the core entrustable professional activities for entering residency
MA Favreau, L Tewksbury, C Lupi, WB Cutrer, JA Jokela, LM Yarris
Academic Medicine 92 (6), 759-764, 2017
Comparison of male and female resident milestone assessments during emergency medicine residency training: a national study
SA Santen, K Yamazaki, ES Holmboe, LM Yarris, SJ Hamstra
Academic Medicine 95 (2), 263-268, 2020
Creating a cadre of fellowship-trained medical educators: a qualitative study of faculty development program leaders’ perspectives and advice
WC Coates, DP Runde, LM Yarris, S Rougas, TA Guth, SA Santen, ...
Academic medicine 91 (12), 1696-1704, 2016
Education research: a primer for educators in emergency medicine
LM Yarris, NM Deiorio
Academic Emergency Medicine 18, S27-S35, 2011
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