Huma Riaz
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Cited by
Comparison of Spencer muscle energy technique and Passive stretching in adhesive capsulitis: A single blind randomized control trial
M Iqbal, H Riaz, M Ghous, K Masood
J Pak Med Assoc 70 (12), 2113-8, 2020
Effect of Pressure biofeedback training on deep cervical flexors endurance in patients with mechanical neck pain: A randomized controlled trial
R Ashfaq, H Riaz
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 37 (2), 550, 2021
Comparison between dynamic oscillatory stretch technique and static stretching in reduced hamstring flexibility in healthy population: A single blind randomized control trial
K Masood, H Riaz, M Ghous, M Iqbal
J Pak Med Assoc 70, 2020
Prevalence of risk factors of the female athlete triad among young elite athletes of Pakistan
J Syed, A Jamil, N Namroz, M Shakeel, A Malik, S Kanwal, H Riaz
International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 17 (2), 210, 2022
Recent advances in the pelvic floor assessment and rehabilitation of Women with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.
H Riaz, H Nadeem, FA Rathore
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association 72 (7), 1456-1459, 2022
Effects of biodex balance training on symptomatic knee osteoarthritis in Rawalpindi: A randomized control trial
S Javed, H Riaz, A Saeed, R Begum
JPMA 71 (2), 402-405, 2021
Comparison of mobilization with movement and Mulligan knee taping on Patellofemoral pain syndrome
M Rehman, H Riaz
J Pak Med Assoc 71 (9), 2119-2123, 2021
Effects of thoracic spine manipulation on pressure pain sensitivity of rhomboid muscle active trigger points: A randomized controlled trial
B Haleema, H Riaz
JPMA 71 (1720), 2020
Effects of high-intensity multi-modal exercise training (HIT-MMEX) on bone mineral density and muscle performance in postmenopausal women. A pilot randomized controlled trial
H Riaz, MN Babur, A Farooq
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association 72 (10), 1904-1908, 2022
Effect of early physical therapy interventions on post-operative ileus following abdominal hysterectomy
Z Zia, H Riaz, I Imtiaz
J. Pak. Med. Assoc 73, 650-652, 2023
Frequency of diastasis recti and lumbopelvic pain during pregnancy and factors associated with diastasis recti
S Aabroo, H Riaz, A Saeed, F Ashraf
Rawal Medical Journal 45 (3), 682-5, 2020
Frequency of work related musculoskeletal disorders and ergonomic risk assessments among tailors
N Anwar, H Riaz, A Saeed, F Ashraf
JPMA 70 (2164), 2020
Association of depression, physical activity levels and general psychological health among physical therapy students of Rawalpindi and Islamabad.
S Qureshi, H Riaz, MMA Awan, K Khushnood, R Hussain
Journal of Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University 2 (1), 26-30, 2019
Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of basic life support among physical therapy practitioners in Rawalpindi and Islamabad.
SN Sheeraz, H Riaz, Z Arshad, MI Tariq
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association 70 (5), 884-887, 2020
Effects of high intensity aerobic training on symptomatology of primary dysmenorrhoea
I Imtiaz, H Riaz
J Pak Med Assoc [Internet] 15, 2022
Comparison of Dry needling and Graston technique on Active Myofascial trigger points in the upper trapezius.
HR Kiran Haq
Rawal Medical Journal 47 (No 1), 2022
Postural ergonomic risk assessment and work-related musculoskeletal symptoms among surgeons
H Riaz, H Khan
Foundation University Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences 1 (1), 5-10, 2021
Risk Factors of Non-Specific Neck Pain in Students: Case Control Study: JRCRS. 2018; 6 (1): 43-46
A Saeed, H Riaz
Journal Riphah College of Rehabilitation Sciences 6 (1), 43-46, 2018
Pelvic floor dysfunction
Rev Gastroenterol Mex 75 (Supl 2), 2010
Learning style preferences of undergraduate physical therapy students: A cross sectional study
AN Malik, A Khan
Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business 4 (4), 2012
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