Keith Dobson
Keith Dobson
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A component analysis of cognitive–behavioral treatment for depression.
NS Jacobson, KS Dobson, PA Truax, ME Addis, K Koerner, JK Gollan, ...
American Psychological Association 3 (1), 23a, 2000
Randomized trial of behavioral activation, cognitive therapy, and antidepressant medication in the acute treatment of adults with major depression.
S Dimidjian, SD Hollon, KS Dobson, KB Schmaling, RJ Kohlenberg, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 74 (4), 658, 2006
A psychometric evaluation of the Beck Depression Inventory–II.
DJA Dozois, KS Dobson, JL Ahnberg
Psychological assessment 10 (2), 83, 1998
Handbook of cognitive-behavioral therapies
KS Dobson, DJA Dozois
Guilford Publications, 2021
A meta-analysis of the efficacy of cognitive therapy for depression.
KS Dobson
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 57 (3), 414, 1989
A meta-analysis of cognitive-behavioural therapy for adult depression, alone and in comparison with other treatments
P Cuijpers, M Berking, G Andersson, L Quigley, A Kleiboer, KS Dobson
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 58 (7), 376-385, 2013
Cognitive therapy in practice: A case formulation approach.
JB Persons
WW Norton & Co, 1989
Randomized trial of behavioral activation, cognitive therapy, and antidepressant medication in the prevention of relapse and recurrence in major depression.
KS Dobson, SD Hollon, S Dimidjian, KB Schmaling, RJ Kohlenberg, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 76 (3), 468, 2008
Insight in schizophrenia: a meta-analysis
AR Mintz, KS Dobson, DM Romney
Schizophrenia research 61 (1), 75-88, 2003
Avoidance and depression: the construction of the Cognitive–Behavioral Avoidance Scale
ND Ottenbreit, KS Dobson
Behaviour research and therapy 42 (3), 293-313, 2004
Cognitive–behavioral treatment for depression: Relapse prevention.
ET Gortner, JK Gollan, KS Dobson, NS Jacobson
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 66 (2), 377, 1998
Mental disorder symptoms among public safety personnel in Canada
RN Carleton, TO Afifi, S Turner, T Taillieu, S Duranceau, DM LeBouthillier, ...
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 63 (1), 54-64, 2018
Evidence-based practice of cognitive-behavioral therapy
D Dobson, KS Dobson
Guilford publications, 2018
The relationship between anxiety and depression
KS Dobson
Clinical Psychology Review 5 (4), 307-324, 1985
Marital therapy as a treatment for depression.
NS Jacobson, K Dobson, AE Fruzzetti, KB Schmaling, S Salusky
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 59 (4), 547, 1991
Childhood adversity and adult depression: The protective role of psychological resilience
JC Poole, KS Dobson, D Pusch
Child abuse & neglect 64, 89-100, 2017
Therapist competence ratings in relation to clinical outcome in cognitive therapy of depression.
BF Shaw, I Elkin, J Yamaguchi, M Olmsted, TM Vallis, KS Dobson, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 67 (6), 837, 1999
Cognitive assessment of depression: reliability and validity of three measures.
KS Dobson, HJ Breiter
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 92 (1), 107, 1983
Attentional biases in eating disorders: A meta-analytic review of Stroop performance
KS Dobson, DJA Dozois
Clinical psychology review 23 (8), 1001-1022, 2004
The Cognitive Therapy Scale: psychometric properties.
TM Vallis, BF Shaw, KS Dobson
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 54 (3), 381, 1986
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Articles 1–20