Christine Fontaine
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Cited by
A comparison of the different animal models of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and their use in studying complex behaviors
AR Patten, CJ Fontaine, BR Christie
Frontiers in pediatrics 2, 93, 2014
L ocalization of the cannabinoid type‐1 receptor in subcellular astrocyte compartments of mutant mouse hippocampus
A Gutiérrez‐Rodríguez, I Bonilla‐Del Río, N Puente, SM Gómez‐Urquijo, ...
Glia 66 (7), 1417-1431, 2018
Effects of pre-natal alcohol exposure on hippocampal synaptic plasticity: sex, age and methodological considerations
CJ Fontaine, AR Patten, HM Sickmann, JL Helfer, BR Christie
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 64, 12-34, 2016
The benefits of exercise on structural and functional plasticity in the rodent hippocampus of different disease models
AR Patten, SY Yau, CJ Fontaine, A Meconi, RC Wortman, BR Christie
Brain Plasticity 1 (1), 97-127, 2015
Revisiting the flip side: Long-term depression of synaptic efficacy in the hippocampus
C Pinar, CJ Fontaine, J Triviño-Paredes, CP Lottenberg, J Gil-Mohapel, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 80, 394-413, 2017
A role for the anterior piriform cortex in early odor preference learning: evidence for multiple olfactory learning structures in the rat pup
GL Morrison, CJ Fontaine, CW Harley, Q Yuan
Journal of neurophysiology 110 (1), 141-152, 2013
Alcohol Use Disorder: Neurobiology and Therapeutics
W Yang, R Singla, O Maheshwari, CJ Fontaine, J Gil-Mohapel
Biomedicines 10 (5), 1192, 2022
Intermittent ethanol exposure during adolescence impairs cannabinoid type 1 receptor-dependent long-term depression and recognition memory in adult mice.
GP Peñasco S, Rico-Barrio I, Puente N, Fontaine CJ, Ramos A, Reguero L ...
Neuropsychopharmacology, 2019
Endocannabinoid long-term depression revealed at medial perforant path excitatory synapses in the dentate gyrus
S Peñasco, I Rico-Barrio, N Puente, SM Gómez-Urquijo, CJ Fontaine, ...
Neuropharmacology 153, 32-40, 2019
Impaired bidirectional NMDA receptor dependent synaptic plasticity in the dentate gyrus of adult female Fmr1 heterozygous knockout mice
SY Yau, CA Bostrom, J Chiu, CJ Fontaine, S Sawchuk, A Meconi, ...
Neurobiology of disease 96, 261-270, 2016
Cognitive and neurobehavioral benefits of an enriched environment on young adult mice after chronic ethanol consumption during adolescence
I Rico‐Barrio, S Peñasco, N Puente, A Ramos, CJ Fontaine, L Reguero, ...
Addiction biology 24 (5), 969-980, 2019
Effects of Voluntary Exercise on Cell Proliferation and Neurogenesis in the Dentate Gyrus of Adult FMR1 Knockout Mice
C Pinar, S Yau, Z Sharp, A Shamei, CJ Fontaine, AL Meconi, ...
Brain Plasticity 4 (2), 185-195, 2018
Lateralized odor preference training in rat pups reveals an enhanced network response in anterior piriform cortex to olfactory input that parallels extended memory
CJ Fontaine, CW Harley, Q Yuan
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (38), 15126-15131, 2013
Impaired bidirectional synaptic plasticity in juvenile offspring following prenatal ethanol exposure
CJ Fontaine, C Pinar, W Yang, AF Pang, KE Suesser, JSJ Choi, ...
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 43 (10), 2153-2166, 2019
Potential biomarkers for physical exercise-induced brain health
SY Yau, A Li, X Sun, CJ Fontaine, BR Christie, KF So
Role of Biomarkers in Medicine. UK, London: IntechOpen, 169-91, 2016
Unlearning: NMDA receptor-mediated metaplasticity in the anterior piriform cortex following early odor preference training in rats
B Mukherjee, GL Morrison, CJ Fontaine, Q Hou, CW Harley, Q Yuan
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (15), 5143-5151, 2014
Endocannabinoid receptors contribute significantly to multiple forms of long-term depression in the rat dentate gyrus
CJ Fontaine, EL Gräfe, C Pinar, I Bonilla-Del Río, P Grandes, BR Christie
Learning & Memory 27 (9), 380-389, 2020
Strain differences in a high response-cost daily time–place learning task
CM Thorpe, SH Deibel, JI Reddigan, CJ Fontaine
Behavioural processes 90 (3), 384-391, 2012
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) affects the hippocampal levels of histone variant H2A. Z-2
TL Gretzinger, M Tyagi, CJ Fontaine, MS Cheema, M González-Perez, ...
Biochemistry and Cell Biology 97 (4), 431-436, 2019
Effects of prenatal ethanol exposure on choline-induced long-term depression in the hippocampus
EL Grafe, CJ Fontaine, JD Thomas, BR Christie
Journal of Neurophysiology 126 (5), 1622-1634, 2021
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Articles 1–20