Tara-Leigh F. McHugh
Tara-Leigh F. McHugh
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The role of self-compassion in women's self-determined motives to exercise and exercise-related outcomes
CMR Magnus, KC Kowalski, TLF McHugh
Self and identity 9 (4), 363-382, 2010
Development of a consensus statement on the role of the family in the physical activity, sedentary, and sleep behaviours of children and youth
RE Rhodes, MD Guerrero, LM Vanderloo, K Barbeau, CS Birken, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 17, 1-31, 2020
An empirical phenomenology of young adult women exercisers' body self‐compassion
KA Berry, KC Kowalski, LJ Ferguson, TLF McHugh
Qualitative research in sport and exercise 2 (3), 293-312, 2010
Coping with social physique anxiety in adolescence
KC Kowalski, DE Mack, PRE Crocker, CB Niefer, TL Fleming
Journal of Adolescent Health 39 (2), 275. e9-275. e16, 2006
Exploring women track and field athletes' meanings of muscularity
AD Mosewich, AB Vangool, KC Kowalski, TLF McHugh
Journal of applied sport psychology 21 (1), 99-115, 2009
Athletes and parents coping with deselection in competitive youth sport: A communal coping perspective
KC Neely, TLF McHugh, JGH Dunn, NL Holt
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 30, 1-9, 2017
Youth-guided youth engagement: Participatory action research (PAR) with high-risk, marginalized youth
Y Iwasaki, J Springett, P Dashora, AM McLaughlin, TL McHugh, ...
Child & youth services 35 (4), 316-342, 2014
“I’m thankful for being Native and my body is part of that”: The body pride experiences of young Aboriginal women in Canada
TLF McHugh, AM Coppola, CM Sabiston
Body Image 11 (3), 318-327, 2014
Markers of early specialization and their relationships with burnout and dropout in swimming
HK Larson, BW Young, TLF McHugh, WM Rodgers
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 41 (1), 46-54, 2019
Enhancing capacity: Integrating self-compassion in sport
AD Mosewich, LJ Ferguson, TLF McHugh, KC Kowalski
Journal of Sport Psychology in Action 10 (4), 235-243, 2019
An exploration of the meanings of sport to urban Aboriginal youth: A photovoice approach
TLF McHugh, AM Coppola, S Sinclair
Community based research in sport, exercise and health science, 5-25, 2016
Developing sport-based after-school programmes using a participatory action research approach
NL Holt, TLF McHugh, LN Tink, BC Kingsley, AM Coppola, KC Neely, ...
Community based research in sport, exercise and health science, 46-68, 2016
“There’sa cultural pride through our games”: Enhancing the sport experiences of Indigenous youth in Canada through participation in traditional games
M Dubnewick, T Hopper, JC Spence, TLF McHugh
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 42 (4), 207-226, 2018
Canadian Indigenous women’s perspectives of maternal health and health care services: a systematic review
F Kolahdooz, K Launier, F Nader, KJ Yi, P Baker, TL McHugh, ...
Divers Equal Health Care 13 (5), 335, 2016
Reliability and Validity of the PLAYfun Tool with Children and Youth in Northern Canada
JA Stearns, B Wohlers, TLF McHugh, N Kuzik, JC Spence
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science 23 (1), 47-57, 2019
Pushing for change: a qualitative study of the experiences of elite athletes during pregnancy
MH Davenport, A Nesdoly, L Ray, JS Thornton, R Khurana, TLF McHugh
British Journal of Sports Medicine 56 (8), 452-457, 2022
A meta-study of qualitative research examining sport and recreation experiences of indigenous youth
TLF McHugh, CJ Deal, CJ Blye, AJ Dimler, EA Halpenny, A Sivak, NL Holt
Qualitative Health Research 29 (1), 42-54, 2019
We’re not superhuman, we’re human: a qualitative description of elite athletes’ experiences of return to sport after childbirth
MH Davenport, L Ray, A Nesdoly, J Thornton, R Khurana, TLF McHugh
Sports Medicine 53 (1), 269-279, 2023
Exploring beliefs around physical activity among older adults in rural Canada
L Schmidt, G Rempel, TC Murray, TL McHugh, JK Vallance
International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being 11 (1 …, 2016
“Sport is community:” An exploration of urban Aboriginal peoples' meanings of community within the context of sport
TLF McHugh, AM Coppola, NL Holt, C Andersen
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 18, 75-84, 2015
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Articles 1–20