Asheber Sewalem
Asheber Sewalem
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Genetic analysis of milk urea nitrogen and lactose and their relationships with other production traits in Canadian Holstein cattle
F Miglior, A Sewalem, J Jamrozik, J Bohmanova, DM Lefebvre, RK Moore
Journal of Dairy Science 90 (5), 2468-2479, 2007
Relationship between reproduction traits and functional longevity in Canadian dairy cattle
A Sewalem, F Miglior, GJ Kistemaker, P Sullivan, BJ Van Doormaal
Journal of Dairy Science 91 (4), 1660-1668, 2008
Mapping of quantitative trait loci for body weight at three, six, and nine weeks of age in a broiler layer cross
A Sewalem, DM Morrice, A Law, D Windsor, CS Haley, CO Ikeobi, ...
Poultry Science 81 (12), 1775-1781, 2002
Analysis of the relationship between type traits and functional survival in Canadian Holsteins using a Weibull proportional hazards model
A Sewalem, GJ Kistemaker, F Miglior, BJ Van Doormaal
Journal of Dairy Science 87 (11), 3938-3946, 2004
Genetic parameters of adaptive immune response traits in Canadian Holsteins
KA Thompson-Crispi, A Sewalem, F Miglior, BA Mallard
Journal of dairy science 95 (1), 401-409, 2012
Analysis of milk urea nitrogen and lactose and their effect on longevity in Canadian dairy cattle
F Miglior, A Sewalem, J Jamrozik, DM Lefebvre, RK Moore
Journal of Dairy Science 89 (12), 4886-4894, 2006
Genetic analysis of herd life in Canadian dairy cattle on a lactation basis using a Weibull proportional hazards model
A Sewalem, GJ Kistemaker, V Ducrocq, BJ Van Doormaal
Journal of Dairy Science 88 (1), 368-375, 2005
Analysis of inbreeding and its relationship with functional longevity in Canadian dairy cattle
A Sewalem, GJ Kistemaker, F Miglior, BJ Van Doormaal
Journal of dairy science 89 (6), 2210-2216, 2006
Genetic parameters of milking temperament and milking speed in Canadian Holsteins
A Sewalem, F Miglior, GJ Kistemaker
Journal of dairy science 94 (1), 512-516, 2011
Analysis of the relationship between somatic cell score and functional longevity in Canadian dairy cattle
A Sewalem, F Miglior, GJ Kistemaker, BJ Van Doormaal
Journal of Dairy Science 89 (9), 3609-3614, 2006
Genetic relationships between body condition score and reproduction traits in Canadian Holstein and Ayrshire first-parity cows
C Bastin, S Loker, N Gengler, A Sewalem, F Miglior
Journal of Dairy science 93 (5), 2215-2228, 2010
Genetic and environmental relationships between body condition score and milk production traits in Canadian Holsteins
S Loker, C Bastin, F Miglior, A Sewalem, LR Schaeffer, J Jamrozik, A Ali, ...
Journal of dairy science 95 (1), 410-419, 2012
Quantitative Trait Loci Variation for Growth and Obesity Between and Within Lines of Pigs (Sus scrofa)
Y Nagamine, CS Haley, A Sewalem, PM Visscher
Genetics 164 (2), 629-635, 2003
Genetic parameters for hoof lesions and their relationship with feet and leg traits in Canadian Holstein cows
N Chapinal, A Koeck, A Sewalem, DF Kelton, S Mason, G Cramer, ...
Journal of dairy science 96 (4), 2596-2604, 2013
Relationship between type traits and longevity in Canadian Jerseys and Ayrshires using a Weibull proportional hazards model
A Sewalem, GJ Kistemaker, BJ Van Doormaal
Journal of Dairy Science 88 (4), 1552-1560, 2005
Inbreeding and inbreeding depression on reproduction and production traits of White Leghorn lines selected for egg production traits
A Sewalem, K Johansson, M Wilhelmson, K Lillpers
British poultry science 40 (2), 203-208, 1999
Analysis of the relationship between workability traits and functional longevity in Canadian dairy breeds
A Sewalem, F Miglior, GJ Kistemaker
Journal of Dairy Science 93 (9), 4359-4365, 2010
Analysis of health and survival in a population of Ontario Holstein heifer calves
CE McCorquodale, A Sewalem, F Miglior, D Kelton, A Robinson, A Koeck, ...
Journal of dairy science 96 (3), 1880-1885, 2013
Preliminary linkage map of the Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) based on microsatellite markers
DW Burt, DR Morrice, A Sewalem, J Smith, IR Paton, EJ Smith, J Bentley, ...
Animal genetics 34 (6), 399-409, 2003
Estimation of genetic parameters for measures of calf survival in a population of Holstein heifer calves from a heifer-raising facility in New York State
L Henderson, F Miglior, A Sewalem, D Kelton, A Robinson, KE Leslie
Journal of dairy science 94 (1), 461-470, 2011
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