douglas r wylie
douglas r wylie
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On climbing fiber signals and their consequence (s)
JI Simpson, DR Wylie, CI De Zeeuw
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3), 384-398, 1996
Cerebellar modules and their role as operational cerebellar processing units
R Apps, R Hawkes, S Aoki, F Bengtsson, AM Brown, G Chen, TJ Ebner, ...
The Cerebellum 17, 654-682, 2018
The processing of object and self-motion in the tectofugal and accessory optic pathways of birds
BJ Frost, DR Wylie, YC Wang
Vision research 30 (11), 1677-1688, 1990
Projections of individual Purkinje cells of identified zones in the flocculus to the vestibular and cerebellar nuclei in the rabbit
CI De Zeeuw, DR Wylie, PL DiGiorgi, JI Simpson
Journal of Comparative Neurology 349 (3), 428-447, 1994
Common reference frame for neural coding of translational and rotational optic flow
DRW Wylie, WF Bischof, BJ Frost
Nature 392 (6673), 278-282, 1998
A dissociation of motion and spatial-pattern vision in the avian telencephalon: implications for the evolution of “visual streams”
AP Nguyen, ML Spetch, NA Crowder, IR Winship, PL Hurd, DRW Wylie
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (21), 4962-4970, 2004
Diversity in olfactory bulb size in birds reflects allometry, ecology, and phylogeny
JR Corfield, K Price, AN Iwaniuk, C Gutiérrez-Ibáñez, T Birkhead, ...
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 9, 102, 2015
The optic tectum of birds: mapping our way to understanding visual processing.
DRW Wylie, C Gutierrez-Ibanez, JMP Pakan, AN Iwaniuk
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2009
Phase relations of Purkinje cells in the rabbit flocculus during compensatory eye movements
CI De Zeeuw, DR Wylie, JS Stahl, JI Simpson
Journal of neurophysiology 74 (5), 2051-2064, 1995
Relative Wulst volume is correlated with orbit orientation and binocular visual field in birds
AN Iwaniuk, CP Heesy, MI Hall, DRW Wylie
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 194, 267-282, 2008
Projections of individual Purkinje cells of identified zones in the ventral nodulus to the vestibular and cerebellar nuclei in the rabbit
DR Wylie, CI De Zeeuw, PL DiGiorgi, JI Simpson
Journal of Comparative Neurology 349 (3), 448-463, 1994
Eye shape and retinal topography in owls (Aves: Strigiformes)
TJ Lisney, AN Iwaniuk, MV Bandet, DR Wylie
Brain, behavior and evolution 79 (4), 218-236, 2012
The visual response properties of neurons in the nucleus of the basal optic root of the pigeon: a quantitative analysis
DR Wylie, BJ Frost
Experimental Brain Research 82, 327-336, 1990
The effects of environmental exposure to DDT on the brain of a songbird: changes in structures associated with mating and song
AN Iwaniuk, DT Koperski, KM Cheng, JE Elliott, LK Smith, LK Wilson, ...
Behavioural brain research 173 (1), 1-10, 2006
The evolution of stereopsis and the Wulst in caprimulgiform birds: a comparative analysis
AN Iwaniuk, DRW Wylie
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 192, 1313-1326, 2006
Association between dendritic lamellar bodies and complex spike synchrony in the olivocerebellar system
CI De Zeeuw, SKE Koekkoek, DRW Wylie, JI Simpson
Journal of Neurophysiology 77 (4), 1747-1758, 1997
Neural specialization for hovering in hummingbirds: hypertrophy of the pretectal nucleus lentiformis mesencephali
AN Iwaniuk, DRW Wylie
Journal of Comparative Neurology 500 (2), 211-221, 2007
Comparative morphology of the avian cerebellum: I. Degree of foliation
AN Iwaniuk, PL Hurd, DRW Wylie
Brain, behavior and evolution 68 (1), 45-62, 2006
Responses of pigeon vestibulocerebellar neurons to optokinetic stimulation. II. The 3-dimensional reference frame of rotation neurons in the flocculus
DR Wylie, BJ Frost
Journal of Neurophysiology 70 (6), 2647-2659, 1993
Projections of the nucleus of the basal optic root in pigeons (Columba livia) revealed with biotinylated dextran amine
DRW Wylie, B Linkenhoker, KL Lau
Journal of Comparative Neurology 384 (4), 517-536, 1997
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