Eduardo de Souza Neto
Eduardo de Souza Neto
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Computational methods for plasticity: theory and applications
EA de Souza Neto, D Peric, DRJ Owen
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Design of simple low order finite elements for large strain analysis of nearly incompressible solids
EA de Souza Neto, D Perić, M Dutko, DRJ Owen
International Journal of Solids and Structures 33 (20-22), 3277-3296, 1996
F‐bar‐based linear triangles and tetrahedra for finite strain analysis of nearly incompressible solids. Part I: formulation and benchmarking
EADS Neto, FMA Pires, DRJ Owen
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 62 (3), 353-383, 2005
On micro‐to‐macro transitions for multi‐scale analysis of non‐linear heterogeneous materials: unified variational basis and finite element implementation
D Perić, EA de Souza Neto, RA Feijóo, M Partovi, AJC Molina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 87 (1‐5), 149-170, 2011
Variational foundations and generalized unified theory of RVE-based multiscale models
PJ Blanco, PJ Sánchez, EA de Souza Neto, RA Feijóo
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 23, 191-253, 2016
The modelling of multi‐fracturing solids and particulate media
DRJ Owen, YT Feng, EA de Souza Neto, MG Cottrell, F Wang, ...
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 60 (1), 317-339, 2004
An RVE-based multiscale theory of solids with micro-scale inertia and body force effects
EA De Souza Neto, PJ Blanco, PJ Sánchez, RA Feijóo
Mechanics of Materials 80, 136-144, 2015
Topological derivative for multi‐scale linear elasticity models applied to the synthesis of microstructures
S Amstutz, SM Giusti, AA Novotny, EA De Souza Neto
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 84 (6), 733-756, 2010
Variational foundations of multi-scale constitutive models of solid: small and large strain kinematical formulation
EA de Souza Neto, RA Feijóo
LNCC Research & Development Report 16, 2006
On the determination of the path direction for arc-length methods in the presence of bifurcations andsnap-backs'
EA de Souza Neto, YT Feng
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 179 (1-2), 81-89, 1999
A fast, one‐equation integration algorithm for the Lemaitre ductile damage model
EA de Souza Neto
Communications in numerical methods in engineering 18 (8), 541-554, 2002
Topological derivative-based topology optimization of structures subject to Drucker–Prager stress constraints
S Amstutz, AA Novotny, EA de Souza Neto
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 233, 123-136, 2012
Multiscale formulation for material failure accounting for cohesive cracks at the macro and micro scales
S Toro, PJ Sánchez, PJ Blanco, EA De Souza Neto, AE Huespe, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 76, 75-110, 2016
A phenomenological three-dimensional rate-idependent continuum damage model for highly filled polymers: formulation and computational aspects
EADS Neto, D Perić, DRJ Owen
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 42 (10), 1533-1550, 1994
On the finite element prediction of damage growth and fracture initiation in finitely deforming ductile materials
FMA Pires, EA de Souza Neto, DRJ Owen
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 193 (48-51), 5223-5256, 2004
A model for elastoplastic damage at finite strains: algorithmic issues and applications
EA de Souza Neto, D Perić, DRJ Owen
Engineering computations 11 (3), 257-281, 1994
Continuum modelling and numerical simulation of material damage at finite strains
EA de Souza Neto, D Perić, DRJ Owen
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 5, 311-384, 1998
An assessment of the average nodal volume formulation for the analysis of nearly incompressible solids under finite strains
FM Andrade Pires, EA de Souza Neto, JL de la Cuesta Padilla
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 20 (7), 569-583, 2004
A new computational model for Tresca plasticity at finite strains with an optimal parametrization in the principal space
D Perić, EA de Souza Neto
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 171 (3-4), 463-489, 1999
Remarks on the stability of enhanced strain elements in finite elasticity and elastoplasticity
EA de Souza Neto, D Perić, GC Huang, DRJ Owen
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 11 (11), 951-961, 1995
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Articles 1–20