Jocelyn S Williams, PhD
Jocelyn S Williams, PhD
Association Professer, Trent University
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Trophic level and macronutrient shift effects associated with the weaning process in the Postclassic Maya
JS Williams, CD White, FJ Longstaffe
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2005
Seasonal fluctuations in diet and death during the late horizon: a stable isotopic analysis of hair and nail from the central coast of Peru
JS Williams, MA Katzenberg
Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (1), 41-57, 2012
Dental modification in the Postclassic population from Lamanai, Belize
JS Williams, CD White
Ancient Mesoamerica 17 (1), 139-151, 2006
Maya marine subsistence: isotopic evidence from Marco Gonzalez and San Pedro, Belize
JS Williams, CD White, FJ Longstaffe
Latin American Antiquity 20 (1), 37-56, 2009
Living and dying as subjects of the Inca Empire: Adult diet and health at Puruchuco-Huaquerones, Peru
JS Williams, MS Murphy
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32 (2), 165-179, 2013
Pathoecology and paleodiet in postclassic: historic Maya from northern coastal Belize
C White, J Maxwell, A Dolphin, J Williams, F Longstaffe
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 101, 35-42, 2006
Investigating diet and dietary change using the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in mummified tissues from Puruchuco-Huaquerones, Peru.
JS Williams
Early collective burial practices in a complex wetland setting: an interim report on mortuary patterning, paleodietary analysis, zooarchaeology, material culture and …
J Conolly, J Dillane, K Dougherty, K Elaschuk, K Csenkey, T Wagner, ...
Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal Canadien d'Archéologie, 106-133, 2014
Prácticas mortuorias Wari en Marayniyoq, Valle de Ayacucho, Perú
LM Valdez, JS Williams, KJ Bettcher
Chungará (Arica) 38 (1), 113-127, 2006
Examining chronological trends in ancient Maya diet at Minanha, Belize, using the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen
JS Williams, SM Stronge, G Iannone, FJ Longstaffe
Latin American Antiquity 28 (2), 269-287, 2017
The people who ate the sea: a stable isotopic analysis of diet at Marco Gonzalez and San Pedro, Belize
JS Williams
Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Western Ontario, 2000
Análisis de los fardos funerarios de Pachacamac: Aplicación sistemática de rayos X y tomografía computarizada en un contexto arqueológico
AJ Nelson, LC Watson, J Williams, S Gauld, J Motley, L Poeta, D Seston, ...
Actas del VI Congreo Nacional de Arqueología. Lima, 2021
Socio-Enviromental Dynamics in the North Vaca Plateau, Belize: A Long Term Perspective
G Iannone, JJ Awe, A Bevan, GA Brook, J Conolly, S Downey, ...
Archaeological Investigations in the North Vaca Plateau, Belize: Progress …, 2010
Decapitación y cabezas humanas del valle de Acarí, Perú
LM Valdez, JS Williams, KJ Bettcher, L Dausse
Arqueología y Sociedad 22, 39-53, 2010
Investigating the season of death using carbon isotope data from the hair of 500-year old Peruvian mummies
JS Williams, MA Katzenberg
Mummies and science: world mummies research. Academia Canaria de la Historia …, 2008
Sex determination of mummies through multi-elemental analysis of head hair using electrothermal vaporization coupled to inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry
M MacConnachie, S Lu, Y Wang, J Williams, D Beauchemin
RSC advances 12 (42), 27064-27071, 2022
Envolviendo al muerto a orillas del mar: análisis de escaneos tomográficos computarizados de fardos de Ancón y Pachacamac (1100 d. C.-1532 d. C.)
L Watson, S Fuentes, A Nelson, J Williams, S Gauld, J Motley, L Poeta, ...
Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, 81-101, 2022
Headless Burials from Pachacamac, Peru: A Taphonomic Approach to Reconstructing Mortuary Ritual
AJ Nelson, J Motley, L Watson, J Williams, P Kirgis, JB Huchet, S Gauld, ...
Bioarchaeology International 7 (4), 328–345-328–345, 2023
Investigating dietary change using the hair of ancient Inca mummies from Puruchuco-Huaquerones, Peru
JS Williams, MA Katzenberg
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 188-188, 2006
Assessing the condition of funerary bundles at the Museum and Archaeological Sanctuary of Pachacamac using virtual taphonomy
J Motley, A Nelson, L Watson, J Williams, S Gauld, L Poeta, E Gomez, ...
Bioarchaeology Early Career Conference (BECC). The University of Glasgow …, 2021
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Articles 1–20