HL Galiana
HL Galiana
Prof. Emerita, McGill University
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A bilateral model for central neural pathways in vestibuloocular reflex
HL Galiana, JS Outerbridge
Journal of neurophysiology 51 (2), 210-241, 1984
Gaze control in the cat: studies and modeling of the coupling between orienting eye and head movements in different behavioral tasks
D Guitton, DP Munoz, HL Galiana
Journal of neurophysiology 64 (2), 509-531, 1990
A reevaluation of intervestibular nuclear coupling: its role in vestibular compensation
HL Galiana, H Flohr, GM Jones
Journal of neurophysiology 51 (2), 242-259, 1984
Central Organization and Modeling of Eye‐Head Coordination during Orienting Gaze Shiftsa
HL Galiana, D Guitton
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 656 (1), 452-471, 1992
Drowsiness/alertness monitor
HL Galiana, IW Hunter, LA Jones, JL Tangorra
US Patent 6,091,334, 2000
Dynamic feedback to the superior colliculus in a neural network model of the gaze control system
P Lefèvre, HL Galiana
Neural Networks 5 (6), 871-890, 1992
Effect of muscimol microinjections into the prepositus hypoglossi and the medial vestibular nuclei on cat eye movements
P Mettens, E Godaux, G Chéron, HL Galiana
Journal of neurophysiology 72 (2), 785-802, 1994
The use of system identification techniques in the analysis of oculomotor burst neuron spike train dynamics
KE Cullen, CG Rey, D Guitton, HL Galiana
Journal of computational neuroscience 3, 347-368, 1996
A nystagmus strategy to linearize the vestibulo-ocular reflex
HL Galiana
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 38 (6), 532-543, 1991
A least-squares parameter estimation algorithm for switched Hammerstein systems with applications to the VOR
SL Kukreja, RE Kearney, HL Galiana
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 52 (3), 431-444, 2005
Apparatus and method for measuring vestibular ocular reflex function
HL Galiana, IW Hunter, LA Jones, J Tangorra
US Patent 5,942,954, 1999
NARMAX representation and identification of ankle dynamics
SL Kukreja, HL Galiana, RE Kearney
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 50 (1), 70-81, 2003
Hypothesis for shared central processing of canal and otolith signals
AM Green, HL Galiana
Journal of neurophysiology 80 (4), 2222-2228, 1998
A new approach to understanding adaptive visual-vestibular interactions in the central nervous system
HL Galiana
Journal of neurophysiology 55 (2), 349-374, 1986
Head-shaking nystagmus (HSN): the theoretical explanation and the experimental proof
A Katsarkas, H Smith, H Galiana
Acta oto-laryngologica 120 (2), 177-181, 2000
An improved method for the estimation of firing rate dynamics using an optimal digital filter
S Cherif, KE Cullen, HL Galiana
Journal of neuroscience methods 173 (1), 165-181, 2008
A bootstrap method for structure detection of NARMAX models
SL Kukreja, HL Galiana, RE Kearney
International Journal of Control 77 (2), 132-143, 2004
Conjugate and vergence oscillations during saccades and gaze shifts: implications for integrated control of binocular movement
PA Sylvestre, HL Galiana, KE Cullen
Journal of neurophysiology 87 (1), 257-272, 2002
A bilateral model integrating vergence and the vestibulo-ocular reflex
AC Cova, HL Galiana
Experimental brain research 107, 435-452, 1996
Modelling non-linearities in the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) after unilateral or bilateral loss of peripheral vestibular function
HL Galiana, HLH Smith, A Katsarkas
Experimental brain research 137, 369-386, 2001
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Articles 1–20