Natasha Zhang Foutz
Natasha Zhang Foutz
Associate Professor of Commerce - Marketing, University of Virginia
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Cited by
Dynamic effectiveness of advertising and word of mouth in sequential distribution of new products
NI Bruce, NZ Foutz, C Kolsarici
Journal of Marketing Research 49 (4), 469-486, 2012
Research note—prerelease demand forecasting for motion pictures using functional shape analysis of virtual stock markets
NZ Foutz, W Jank
Marketing Science 29 (3), 568-579, 2010
Individualism during crises
B Bian, J Li, T Xu, NZ Foutz
Review of Economics and Statistics 104 (2), 368-385, 2022
The role of network embeddedness in film success
G Packard, A Aribarg, J Eliashberg, NZ Foutz
International Journal of Research in Marketing 33 (2), 328-342, 2016
Impacts of COVID-19 lockdowns and stimulus payments on low-income population’s spending in the United States
K Li, NZ Foutz, Y Cai, Y Liang, S Gao
PloS one 16 (9), e0256407, 2021
Leveraging analytics to produce compelling and profitable film content
R Behrens, NZ Foutz, M Franklin, J Funk, F Gutierrez-Navratil, J Hofmann, ...
Journal of Cultural Economics 45, 171-211, 2021
Calibrating the dynamic Huff model for business analysis using location big data
Y Liang, S Gao, Y Cai, NZ Foutz, L Wu
Transactions in GIS 24 (3), 681-703, 2020
Category-based screening in choice of complementary products
A Aribarg, NZ Foutz
Journal of Marketing Research 46 (4), 518-530, 2009
Functional response additive model estimation with online virtual stock markets
Y Fan, N Foutz, GM James, W Jank
Synergy or interference: The effect of product placement on commercial break audience decline
DA Schweidel, NZ Foutz, RJ Tanner
Marketing Science 33 (6), 763-780, 2014
Empowering next POI recommendation with multi-relational modeling
Z Huang, J Ma, Y Dong, NZ Foutz, J Li
Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2022
Entertainment marketing
NZ Foutz
Foundations and Trends® in Marketing 10 (4), 215-333, 2017
Personalized privacy preservation in consumer mobile trajectories
M Macha, NZ Foutz, B Li, A Ghose
Information Systems Research 35 (1), 249-271, 2024
The wisdom of crowds: pre-release forecasting via functional shape analysis of the online virtual stock market
NZ Foutz, W Jank
Available at SSRN 1432444, 2007
Trading privacy for the greater social good: How did America react during COVID-19?
A Ghose, B Li, M Macha, C Sun, NYZ Foutz
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.05859, 2020
Perils of location tracking? personalized and interpretable privacy preservation in consumer mobile trajectories
M Macha, B Li, NZ Foutz, A Ghose
40th International Conference on Information Systems, Munich, 2019
MobiRescue: Reinforcement learning based rescue team dispatching in a flooding disaster
L Yan, S Mahmud, H Shen, NZ Foutz, J Anton
2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2020
Evolution of preannouncements and their impact on new product release timing: evidence from the US motion picture industry
NZ Foutz, V Kadiyali
Johnson School Research Paper Series, 2006
Huddling with families after disaster: Human resilience and social disparity
W Wang, NZ Foutz, G Gao
Plos one 17 (9), e0273307, 2022
Disintermediation and Its Mitigation in Online Two-sided Platforms: Evidence from Airbnb.
J Lin, T Nian, NZ Foutz
ICIS, 2022
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Articles 1–20