Tijn van der Zant
Tijn van der Zant
Director of the Cognitive Robotics Laboratory, University of Groningen
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Cited by
RoboCup@Home: Scientific Competition and Benchmarking for Domestic Service Robots
T Wisspeintner, T van der Zant, L Iocchi, S Schiffer
Interaction Studies 10 (3), 392-426, 2009
RoboCup@ Home: Analysis and results of evolving competitions for domestic and service robots
L Iocchi, D Holz, J Ruiz-del-Solar, K Sugiura, T Van Der Zant
Artificial Intelligence 229, 258-281, 2015
Handwritten-word spotting using biologically inspired features
T Van der Zant, L Schomaker, K Haak
Ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 30 (11), 1945 …, 2008
Generative Artificial Intelligece
T van der Zant, M Kouw, L Schomaker
Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics 5, 107-120, 2013
Identification of motion with echo state network
K Ishii, T van der Zant, V Becanovic, P Ploger
OCEANS'04. MTTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEAN'04 3, 1205-1210 Vol. 3, 2004
Layout analysis of handwritten historical documents for searching the archive of the cabinet of the dutch queen
M Bulacu, R Van Koert, L Schomaker, T van der Zant
Ninth international conference on document analysis and recognition (ICDAR …, 2007
Robocup x: A proposal for a new league where robocup goes real world
T van der Zant, T Wisspeintner
Robot Soccer World Cup, 166-172, 2005
Towards a platform-independent cooperative human-robot interaction system: I. perception
S Lallée, S Lemaignan, A Lenz, C Melhuish, L Natale, S Skachek, ...
2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2010
Benchmarking intelligent service robots through scientific competitions: The RoboCup@ Home approach
D Holz, L Iocchi, T van der Zant
2013 AAAI spring symposium series, 2013
Robocup@ home: Creating and benchmarking tomorrows service robot applications
T van der Zant, T Wisspeintner
INTECH Open Access Publisher, 2007
Recognition of handwritten numerical fields in a large single-writer historical collection
M Bulacu, A Brink, T Van Der Zant, L Schomaker
2009 10th international conference on document analysis and recognition, 808-812, 2009
Domestic service robots in the real world
L Iocchi, J Ruiz del Solar, T Zant
Springer, 2012
Finding good echo state networks to control an underwater robot using evolutionary computations
T van der Zant, V Bečanović, K Ishii, HU Kobialka, P Ploeger
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 37 (8), 215-220, 2004
Bio-sensing for emotional characterization without word labels
T Verhoef, C Lisetti, A Barreto, F Ortega, T van der Zant, F Cnossen
Human-Computer Interaction. Ambient, Ubiquitous and Intelligent Interaction …, 2009
Robocup@ home: Adaptive benchmarking of robot bodies and minds
T van der Zant, L Iocchi
International Conference on Social Robotics, 214-225, 2011
Where are the search engines for handwritten documents?
T van der Zant, L Schomaker, S Zinger, H van Schie
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 34 (2-3), 224-235, 2009
RoboCup 2012: Robot Soccer World Cup XVI
X Chen, P Stone, LE Sucar, T Zant
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
Optimization of parameters of echo state network and its application to underwater robot
K Ishii, T van der Zant, V Becanovic, P Ploger
SICE 2004 annual conference 3, 2800-2805, 2004
On-line robot learning using the interval estimation algorithm
T van der Zant, MA Wiering, J van Eijck, D Leone
Proceedings of the 7th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning, 11-12, 2005
Robocup@ home: Adaptive benchmarking of robot bodies and minds
L Iocchi, T van der Zant
Proceedings of the International Conference on Simulation, Modeling and …, 2010
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Articles 1–20