Associate Professor, ETS, Montréal
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Cited by
Design evolution metrics for defect prediction in object oriented systems
S Kpodjedo, F Ricca, P Galinier, YG Guéhéneuc, G Antoniol
Empirical Software Engineering 16, 141-175, 2011
An exploratory study of MVC-based architectural patterns in android apps
A Daoudi, G ElBoussaidi, N Moha, S Kpodjedo
Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 1711-1720, 2019
Combining lexical and structural information to reconstruct software layers
AB Belle, G El Boussaidi, S Kpodjedo
Information and Software Technology 74, 1-16, 2016
Madmatch: Many-to-many approximate diagram matching for design comparison
S Kpodjedo, F Ricca, P Galinier, G Antoniol, YG Gueheneuc
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 39 (8), 1090-1111, 2013
Recovering the evolution stable part using an ecgm algorithm: Is there a tunnel in mozilla?
S Kpodjedo, F Ricca, P Galinier, G Antoniol
2009 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 179-188, 2009
Not all classes are created equal: toward a recommendation system for focusing testing
S Kpodjedo, F Ricca, P Galinier, G Antoniol
Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Recommendation systems for …, 2008
The state of practice on virtual reality (vr) applications: An exploratory study on github and stack overflow
N Ghrairi, S Kpodjedo, A Barrak, F Petrillo, F Khomh
2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and …, 2018
Using local similarity measures to efficiently address approximate graph matching
S Kpodjedo, P Galinier, G Antoniol
Discrete Applied Mathematics 164, 161-177, 2014
Evolution and search based metrics to improve defects prediction
S Kpodjedo, F Ricca, G Antoniol, P Galinier
2009 1st International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering, 23-32, 2009
AndroVul: A repository for Android security vulnerabilities
Z Namrud, S Kpodjedo, C Talhi
Proceedings of the 29th annual international conference on computer science …, 2019
A penalty-based tabu search for constrained covering arrays
P Galinier, S Kpodjedo, G Antoniol
Proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference, 1288-1294, 2017
A novel approach to measure confidence and uncertainty in assurance cases
AB Belle, TC Lethbridge, S Kpodjedo, OO Adesina, MA Garzón
2019 IEEE 27th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops …, 2019
WAVI: A reverse engineering tool for web applications
J Cloutier, S Kpodjedo, G El Boussaidi
2016 IEEE 24th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 1-3, 2016
Sub-graph mining: identifying micro-architectures in evolving object-oriented software
A Belderrar, S Kpodjedo, YG Guéhéneuc, G Antoniol, P Galinier
2011 15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 171-180, 2011
Probing androvul dataset for studies on android malware classification
N Zakeya, K Ségla, T Chamseddine, BB Alvine
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (9 …, 2022
Deep-layer clustering to identify permission usage patterns of android app categories
Z Namrud, S Kpodjedo, A Bali, C Talhi
IEEE Access 10, 24240-24254, 2022
Studying software evolution of large object‐oriented software systems using an ETGM algorithm
S Kpodjedo, F Ricca, P Galinier, G Antoniol, YG Guéhéneuc
Journal of software: Evolution and Process 25 (2), 139-163, 2013
Let’s have that conversation: How limited epistemological beliefs exacerbates inequities and will continue to be a barrier to broadening participation
MS Ross
ACM Transactions on Computing Education 23 (2), 1-4, 2023
Coach: classification-based architectural patterns detection in Android apps
C Chekhaba, H Rebatchi, G ElBoussaidi, N Moha, S Kpodjedo
Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1429-1438, 2021
Investigating Web3D topics on StackOverflow: a preliminary study of WebGL and Three. js
F Almansoury, S Kpodjedo, GE Boussaidi
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, 1-2, 2020
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Articles 1–20