V Susan Dahinten
V Susan Dahinten
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, University of British Columbia
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Neighborhood disadvantage: Pathways of effects for young children
DE Kohen, T Leventhal, VS Dahinten, CN McIntosh
Child development 79 (1), 156-169, 2008
The impact of heavy perceived nurse workloads on patient and nurse outcomes
M MacPhee, VS Dahinten, F Havaei
Administrative Sciences 7 (1), 7, 2017
Nursing’s metaparadigm concepts: Disimpacting the debates
S Thorne, C Canam, S Dahinten, W Hall, A Henderson, SR Kirkham
Journal of Advanced nursing 27 (6), 1257-1268, 1998
Safety culture, patient safety, and quality of care outcomes: a literature review
SE Lee, LD Scott, VS Dahinten, C Vincent, KD Lopez, CG Park
Western journal of nursing research 41 (2), 279-304, 2019
The emerging use of social media for health-related purposes in low and middle-income countries: A scoping review
E Hagg, VS Dahinten, LM Currie
International journal of medical informatics 115, 92-105, 2018
Twelve-month follow-up of a smoking relapse prevention intervention for postpartum women
PA Ratner, JL Johnson, JL Bottorff, S Dahinten, W Hall
Addictive Behaviors 25 (1), 81-92, 2000
Factors related to perioperative nurses' job satisfaction and intention to leave
SE Lee, M MacPhee, VS Dahinten
Japan Journal of Nursing Science 17 (1), e12263, 2020
Disentangling the relationships between staff nurses’ workplace empowerment and job satisfaction
VS Dahinten, SE Lee, M MacPhee
Journal of nursing management 24 (8), 1060-1070, 2016
Factors related to adolescents' self-perceived health
S Tremblay, S Dahinten, D Kohen
Health Reports 14 (Supp), 2003
Preventing smoking relapse in postpartum women
JL Johnson, PA Ratner, JL Bottorff, W Hall, S Dahinten
Nursing Research 49 (1), 44-52, 2000
Testing the effects of an empowerment‐based leadership development programme: part 1–leader outcomes
M MacPhee, VS Dahinten, S Hejazi, H Laschinger, A Kazanjian, ...
Journal of nursing management 22 (1), 4-15, 2014
Psychological safety as a mediator of the relationship between inclusive leadership and nurse voice behaviors and error reporting
SE Lee, VS Dahinten
Journal of Nursing Scholarship 53 (6), 737-745, 2021
Adolescent children of adolescent mothers: The impact of family functioning on trajectories of development
VS Dahinten, JD Shapka, JD Willms
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 36, 195-212, 2007
RN s and LPN s: emotional exhaustion and intention to leave
F Havaei, M MacPhee, V Susan Dahinten
Journal of nursing management 24 (3), 393-399, 2016
Perinatal distress in women in low- and middle-income countries: Allostatic load as a framework to examine the effect of perinatal distress on preterm birth and infant health
Premji, Maternal Infant Global Health Team (MiGHT)
Maternal and Child Health Journal 18 (10), 2393-2407, 2014
An examination of the reciprocal relationships between adolescents’ aggressive behaviors and their perceptions of parental nurturance
RG Arım, VS Dahinten, SK Marshall, JD Shapka
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 40, 207-220, 2011
The effect of nursing care delivery models on quality and safety outcomes of care: A cross‐sectional survey study of medical‐surgical nurses
F Havaei, M MacPhee, VS Dahinten
Journal of advanced nursing 75 (10), 2144-2155, 2019
Examining how contexts shape young children’s perspectives of health
LG Irwin, JL Johnson, A Henderson, VS Dahinten, C Hertzman
Child: care, health and development 33 (4), 353-359, 2007
Testing the effects of an empowerment‐based leadership development programme: part 2–staff outcomes
VS Dahinten, M Macphee, S Hejazi, H Laschinger, M Kazanjian, ...
Journal of Nursing Management 22 (1), 16-28, 2014
Perceptions of sexual partner safety
CL Masaro, VS Dahinten, J Johnson, G Ogilvie, DM Patrick
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 35 (6), 566-571, 2008
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Articles 1–20