Bahareh Azinfar
Bahareh Azinfar
Postdoctoral Associate, University of Calgary
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Thermophysical properties of dimethyl ether/Athabasca bitumen system
A Haddadnia, B Azinfar, M Zirrahi, H Hassanzadeh, J Abedi
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 96 (2), 597-604, 2018
Characterization of heavy crude oils and residues using combined Gel Permeation Chromatography and simulated distillation
B Azinfar, M Zirrahi, H Hassanzadeh, J Abedi
Fuel 233, 885-893, 2018
Effect of asphaltene on phase behavior and thermophysical properties of solvent/bitumen systems
B Azinfar, A Haddadnia, M Zirrahi, H Hassanzadeh, J Abedi
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 62 (1), 547-557, 2017
A thermodynamic model to predict propane solubility in bitumen and heavy oil based on experimental fractionation and characterization
B Azinfar, A Haddadnia, M Zirrahi, H Hassanzadeh, J Abedi
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168, 156-177, 2018
Phase behaviour of butane/bitumen fractions: Experimental and modeling studies
B Azinfar, A Haddadnia, M Zirrahi, H Hassanzadeh, J Abedi
Fuel 220, 47-59, 2018
Measuring and Modeling the Solubility and Density for CO2–Toluene and C2H6–Toluene Systems
M Zirrahi, B Azinfar, H Hassanzadeh, J Abedi
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 60 (6), 1592-1599, 2015
In situ preparation and property investigation of polypropylene/fumed silica nanocomposites
B Azinfar, SA Ahmad Ramazani, N Jafariesfad
Polymer composites 35 (1), 37-44, 2014
A method for characterization of bitumen
B Azinfar, M Zirrahi, H Hassanzadeh, J Abedi
Fuel 153, 240-248, 2015
Particles aggregation and fragmentation—A Monte Carlo study
M Zirrahi, B Azinfar, H Hassanzadeh, J Abedi, R Azin, S Osfouri
Chemical Physics 517, 6-12, 2019
Property investigation of polypropylene/multiwall carbon nanotube nanocomposites prepared via in situ polymerization
N Jafariesfad, SAA Ramazani, B Azinfar
Polymer international 63 (4), 689-694, 2014
Utilization of CO2 to reduce environmental impact of diluted bitumen transportation and improve economics of CCS operations
A Zirahi, A Haddadnia, M Mohammadi, B Azinfar, M Zirrahi, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 91, 102828, 2019
Generalized approach to predict K-values of hydrocarbon solvent/bitumen mixtures
B Azinfar, A Haddadnia, M Zirrahi, H Hassanzadeh, J Abedi
SPE Canada Heavy Oil Conference, D021S009R006, 2018
A New Method for the Characterization of Heavy Oil and Bitumen using Distillation Curve Data
B Azinfar, M Zirrahi, H Hassanzadeh, J Abedi
SPE International Heavy Oil Conference and Exhibition, D021S006R001, 2014
Bitumen Fractionation and Multicomponent Characterization of Solvent-Bitumen Systems
B Azinfar
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Articles 1–14