John Leander
John Leander
Professor in Structural Engineering at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
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Structural health monitoring of bridges: a model-free ANN-based approach to damage detection
AC Neves, I Gonzalez, J Leander, R Karoumi
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 7, 689-702, 2017
Monitoring and enhanced fatigue evaluation of a steel railway bridge
J Leander, A Andersson, R Karoumi
Engineering structures 32 (3), 854-863, 2010
A new approach to damage detection in bridges using machine learning
AC Neves, I González, J Leander, R Karoumi
Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Structures: Testing, Sensing …, 2018
Investigation of distortion-induced fatigue cracked welded details using 3D crack propagation analysis
M Aygül, M Al-Emrani, Z Barsoum, J Leander
International journal of fatigue 64, 54-66, 2014
An approach to decision‐making analysis for implementation of structural health monitoring in bridges
AC Neves, J Leander, I González, R Karoumi
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 26 (6), e2352, 2019
Reliability-based fatigue assessment of steel bridges using LEFM–A sensitivity analysis
J Leander, M Al-Emrani
International Journal of Fatigue 93, 82-91, 2016
Strengthening of a steel railway bridge and its impact on the dynamic response to passing trains
J Wallin, J Leander, R Karoumi
Engineering structures 33 (2), 635-646, 2011
Optimizing the steel girders in a high strength steel composite bridge
O Skoglund, J Leander, R Karoumi
Engineering Structures 221, 110981, 2020
Reliability-based calibration of fatigue safety factors for existing steel bridges
J Leander, B Norlin, R Karoumi
Journal of bridge engineering 20 (10), 04014107, 2015
Decision support framework for bridge condition assessments
I Björnsson, OL Ivanov, D Honfi, J Leander
Structural Safety 81, 101874, 2019
A decision support framework for fatigue assessment of steel bridges
J Leander, D Honfi, OL Ivanov, Í Björnsson
Engineering Failure Analysis 91, 306-314, 2018
Reliability evaluation of the Eurocode model for fatigue assessment of steel bridges
J Leander
Journal of constructional steel research 141, 1-8, 2018
Refined fatigue assessment of joints with welded in-plane attachments by LEFM
J Leander, M Aygül, B Norlin
International Journal of Fatigue 56, 25-32, 2013
The influence of frequency content on the performance of artificial neural network–based damage detection systems tested on numerical and experimental bridge data
AC Neves, I González, R Karoumi, J Leander
Structural Health Monitoring 20 (3), 1331-1347, 2021
Overview of steel bridges containing high strength steel
O Skoglund, J Leander, R Karoumi
International Journal of Steel Structures 20 (4), 1294-1301, 2020
An investigation of distortion-induced fatigue cracking under variable amplitude loading using 3D crack propagation analysis
M Aygül, M Al-Emrani, Z Barsoum, J Leander
Engineering Failure Analysis 45, 151-163, 2014
Informed successive condition assessments in bridge maintenance
D Honfi, I Björnsson, OL Ivanov, J Leander
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 10 (4), 729-737, 2020
Refining the fatigue assessment procedure of existing steel bridges
J Leander
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2013
Fatigue design of soil steel composite bridges
L Pettersson, J Leander, L Hansing
Archives of institute of civil engineering 12, 237-242, 2002
A numerical evaluation of new structural details for an improved fatigue strength of steel bridges
O Skoglund, J Leander
International Journal of Fatigue 160, 106866, 2022
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Articles 1–20