Gratianne Vaisson
Cited by
Cited by
User-centered design and the development of patient decision aids: protocol for a systematic review
HO Witteman, SC Dansokho, H Colquhoun, A Coulter, M Dugas, ...
Systematic reviews 4, 1-8, 2015
Systematic development of patient decision aids: an update from the IPDAS collaboration
HO Witteman, KG Maki, G Vaisson, J Finderup, KB Lewis, ...
Medical Decision Making 41 (7), 736-754, 2021
User involvement in the design and development of patient decision aids and other personal health tools: a systematic review
G Vaisson, T Provencher, M Dugas, ME Trottier, S Chipenda Dansokho, ...
Medical decision making 41 (3), 261-274, 2021
Clarifying values: an updated and expanded systematic review and meta-analysis
HO Witteman, R Ndjaboue, G Vaisson, SC Dansokho, B Arnold, ...
Medical Decision Making 41 (7), 801-820, 2021
Involving members of vulnerable populations in the development of patient decision aids: a mixed methods sequential explanatory study
M Dugas, MÈ Trottier, S Chipenda Dansokho, G Vaisson, T Provencher, ...
BMC medical informatics and decision making 17, 1-11, 2017
Harmonizing evidence-based practice, implementation context, and implementation strategies with user-centered design: a case example in young adult cancer care
ER Haines, A Dopp, AR Lyon, HO Witteman, M Bender, G Vaisson, ...
Implementation science communications 2 (1), 45, 2021
An 11-item measure of user-and human-centered design for personal health tools (UCD-11): development and validation
HO Witteman, G Vaisson, T Provencher, S Chipenda Dansokho, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 23 (3), e15032, 2021
Hoxa9 collaborates with E2A‐PBX1 in mouse B cell leukemia in association with Flt3 activation and decrease of B cell gene expression
M Hassawi, EA Shestakova, M Fournier, CÉ Lebert‐Ghali, G Vaisson, ...
Developmental Dynamics 243 (1), 145-158, 2014
Designing emails aimed at increasing family physicians’ Use of a Web-Based Audit and feedback tool to improve cancer screening rates: cocreation process
CA Bravo, D Llovet, HO Witteman, L Desveaux, J Presseau, M Saragosa, ...
JMIR Human Factors 5 (3), e9875, 2018
Testing behavior change techniques to encourage primary care physicians to access cancer screening audit and feedback reports: protocol for a factorial randomized experiment of …
G Vaisson, HO Witteman, Z Bouck, CA Bravo, L Desveaux, D Llovet, ...
JMIR research protocols 7 (2), e9090, 2018
Testing e-mail content to encourage physicians to access an audit and feedback tool: a factorial randomized experiment
G Vaisson, HO Witteman, S Chipenda-Dansokho, M Saragosa, Z Bouck, ...
Current Oncology 26 (3), 205, 2019
User-centered design and the development of patient decision aids: protocol for a systematic review. Syst Rev. 2015; 4: 11
HO Witteman, SC Dansokho, H Colquhoun, A Coulter, M Dugas, ...
Development and validation of UCD-11: an 11-item measure of User-Centered Design for patient-centered tools
H Witteman, G Vaisson, T Provencher, S Chipenda-Dansokho, ...
OSF Preprints, 2019
User Involvement in the Development of Patient Decision Aids and a Validated Measure of User-Centredness
G Vaisson, JS Renaud, M Dugas, T Provencher, É Breton, SC Dansokho, ...
39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 2017
Personalized Risk Communication in a Pandemic: A Web Application to Help People Understand How Social or Physical Distancing Reduces the Spread of COVID19
D Etienne, M Noubi, D Aziaka, P Archambault, SC Dansokho, E Dubé, ...
42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 2021
User-centered design and the development of patient decision aids: protocol for a systematic
HO Witteman, SC Dansokho, H Colquhoun, A Coulter, M Dugas, ...
Étude de la voie HOX-Flt3 dans les leucémies de type pré-B induites par E2A-Pbx1
G Vaisson
The process of designing emails aimed to increase family physicians’ use of an online audit and feedback tool to improve cancer screening rates
CA Bravo, D Llovet, HO Witteman, L Desveaux, J Presseau, M Saragosa, ...
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Articles 1–18