Nicole R. Posth
Nicole R. Posth
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Iron biomineralization by anaerobic neutrophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria
J Miot, K Benzerara, G Morin, A Kappler, S Bernard, M Obst, C Férard, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (3), 696-711, 2009
Decoupling photochemical Fe (II) oxidation from shallow-water BIF deposition
KO Konhauser, L Amskold, SV Lalonde, NR Posth, A Kappler, A Anbar
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 258 (1-2), 87-100, 2007
Toward the integrated marine debris observing system
N Maximenko, P Corradi, KL Law, E Van Sebille, SP Garaba, RS Lampitt, ...
Frontiers in marine science 6, 447, 2019
Micro‐by‐micro interactions: How microorganisms influence the fate of marine microplastics
KL Rogers, JA Carreres‐Calabuig, E Gorokhova, NR Posth
Limnology and Oceanography Letters 5 (1), 18-36, 2020
Petrography and geochemistry of the Dales Gorge banded iron formation: Paragenetic sequence, source and implications for palaeo-ocean chemistry
E Pecoits, MK Gingras, ME Barley, A Kappler, NR Posth, KO Konhauser
Precambrian Research 172 (1-2), 163-187, 2009
Physiology of phototrophic iron (II)-oxidizing bacteria: implications for modern and ancient environments
F Hegler, NR Posth, J Jiang, A Kappler
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 66 (2), 250-260, 2008
Alternating Si and Fe deposition caused by temperature fluctuations in Precambrian oceans
NR Posth, F Hegler, KO Konhauser, A Kappler
Nature Geoscience 1 (10), 703-708, 2008
Biogenic Fe (III) minerals: from formation to diagenesis and preservation in the rock record
NR Posth, DE Canfield, A Kappler
Earth-Science Reviews 135, 103-121, 2014
Microbiological processes in banded iron formation deposition
NR Posth, KO Konhauser, A Kappler
Sedimentology 60 (7), 1733-1754, 2013
Simulating Precambrian banded iron formation diagenesis
NR Posth, I Köhler, ED Swanner, C Schröder, E Wellmann, B Binder, ...
Chemical Geology 362, 66-73, 2013
Size, density and composition of cell–mineral aggregates formed during anoxygenic phototrophic Fe (II) oxidation: Impact on modern and ancient environments
NR Posth, S Huelin, KO Konhauser, A Kappler
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (12), 3476-3493, 2010
Biogenic Fe (III) minerals lower the efficiency of iron-mineral-based commercial filter systems for arsenic removal
S Kleinert, EM Muehe, NR Posth, U Dippon, B Daus, A Kappler
Environmental science & technology 45 (17), 7533-7541, 2011
Banded iron formations
N Posth, K Konhauser, A Kappler, V Thiel, J Reitner
Encyclopedia of geobiology, 2011
Carbon isotope fractionation by anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in euxinic Lake Cadagno
NR Posth, LA Bristow, RP Cox, KS Habicht, F Danza, M Tonolla, ...
Geobiology 15 (6), 798-816, 2017
Abundance and sources of plastic debris on beaches in a plastic hotspot, Nha Trang, Viet Nam
M Fruergaard, SN Laursen, MN Larsen, NR Posth, KB Niebe, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 186, 114394, 2023
Settling of buoyant microplastic in estuaries: the importance of flocculation
SN Laursen, M Fruergaard, MS Dodhia, NR Posth, MB Rasmussen, ...
Science of The Total Environment 886, 163976, 2023
Interspecies interactions mediated by conductive minerals in the sediments of the iron rich meromictic Lake La Cruz, Spain
AE Rotaru, N Posth, C Löscher, MR Miracle, E Vincence, RP Cox, ...
Limnetica 38 (1), 21-40, 2019
Draft Genome Sequence of Chromatium okenii Isolated from the Stratified Alpine Lake Cadagno
SM Luedin, N Liechti, RP Cox, F Danza, NU Frigaard, NR Posth, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1936, 2019
Lake Cadagno: microbial life in crenogenic meromixis
M Tonolla, N Storelli, F Danza, D Ravasi, S Peduzzi, NR Posth, RP Cox, ...
Ecology of meromictic lakes, 155-186, 2017
Microbe-Mineral interactions in the Plastisphere: coastal biogeochemistry and consequences for degradation of plastics
MS Dodhia, KL Rogers, V Fernández-Juárez, JA Carreres Calabuig, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 453, 2023
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Articles 1–20