Mehmet A. Begen
Mehmet A. Begen
Ivey School of Business, Western University
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Surgical block scheduling in a system of hospitals: an application to resource and wait list management in a British Columbia health authority
P Santibáñez, M Begen, D Atkins
Health care management science 10, 269-282, 2007
Working from home during the COVID‐19 pandemic, its effects on health, and recommendations: The pandemic and beyond
C Birimoglu Okuyan, MA Begen
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 58 (1), 173-179, 2022
Appointment scheduling with discrete random durations
MA Begen, M Queyranne
Mathematics of Operations Research 36 (2), 240-257, 2011
A sampling-based approach to appointment scheduling
MA Begen, R Levi, M Queyranne
Operations research 60 (3), 675-681, 2012
Decomposition algorithms for the integrated process planning and scheduling problem
R Barzanji, B Naderi, MA Begen
Omega 93, 102025, 2020
Dynamic multi-priority, multi-class patient scheduling with stochastic service times
A Sauré, MA Begen, J Patrick
European Journal of Operational Research 280 (1), 254-265, 2020
Supply and demand uncertainty reduction efforts and cost comparison
MA Begen, H Pun, X Yan
International Journal of Production Economics 180, 125-134, 2016
Reducing Patient Wait Times for Radiation Therapy and Improving Treatment Planning: A Discrete‐Event Simulation Model
V Babashov, I Aivas, MA Begen, JQ Cao, G Rodrigues, D D’Souza, ...
Clinical Oncology, 2017
A branch and bound algorithm for scheduling unit size jobs on parallel batching machines to minimize makespan
O Ozturk, MA Begen, GS Zaric
International Journal of Production Research, 2017
Increased surgical capacity without additional resources: Generalized operating room planning and scheduling
B Naderi, V Roshanaei, MA Begen, DM Aleman, DR Urbach
Production and operations management 30 (8), 2608-2635, 2021
Duration of Living Kidney Transplant Donor Evaluations: Findings From 2 Multi-center Cohort Studies
S Habbous, J Arnold, MA Begen, N Boudville, M Cooper, C Dipchand, ...
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 2018
Optimization in healthcare delivery modeling: Methods and applications
S Batun, MA Begen
Handbook of Healthcare Operations Management: Methods and Applications, 75-119, 2013
A novel and efficient exact technique for integrated staffing, assignment, routing, and scheduling of home care services under uncertainty
B Naderi, MA Begen, GS Zaric, V Roshanaei
Omega 116, 102805, 2023
A branch and bound based heuristic for makespan minimization of washing operations in hospital sterilization services
O Ozturk, MA Begen, GS Zaric
European Journal of Operational Research 239 (1), 214-226, 2014
LncRNAs in osteoarthritis
HM Okuyan, MA Begen
Clinica Chimica Acta 532, 145-163, 2022
Association of serum lncRNA H19 expression with inflammatory and oxidative stress markers and routine biochemical parameters in chronic kidney disease
HM Okuyan, S Dogan, MY Terzi, MA Begen, FH Turgut
Clinical and Experimental Nephrology 25, 522-530, 2021
Dynamic interday and intraday scheduling
C Zacharias, N Liu, MA Begen
Operations Research 72 (1), 317-335, 2024
Health care costs for the evaluation, surgery, and follow-up care of living kidney donors
S Habbous, S Sarma, L Barnieh, E McArthur, S Klarenbach, B Manns, ...
Transplantation, 2018
Exact optimization and decomposition approaches for shelf space allocation
BC Gencosman, MA Begen
European Journal of Operational Research 299 (2), 432-447, 2022
Rate-distortion optimized on-demand media streaming with server diversity
AC Begen, Y Altunbasak, M Begen
Proceedings 2003 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No …, 2003
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Articles 1–20