Meghan Goodchild
Cited by
Cited by
Linking melodic expectation to expressive performance timing and perceived musical tension.
B Gingras, MT Pearce, M Goodchild, RT Dean, G Wiggins, S McAdams
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 42 (4), 594, 2016
Perceptual processes in orchestration
M Goodchild, S McAdams
The Oxford Handbook of Timbre, 2018
Musical structure: Sound and timbre
S McAdams, M Goodchild
The Routledge companion to music cognition, 129-139, 2017
Exploring emotional responses to orchestral gestures
M Goodchild, J Wild, S McAdams
Musicae Scientiae 23 (1), 25-49, 2019
A Taxonomy of Orchestral Grouping Effects Derived from Principles of Auditory Perception
S McAdams, M Goodchild, K Soden
Music Theory Online 28 (3), 2022
Analysis, performance, and tension perception of an unmeasured prelude for harpsichord
M Goodchild, B Gingras, S McAdams
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 34 (1), 1-20, 2016
Orchestral gestures: Music-theoretical perspectives and emotional responses
M Goodchild
McGill University (Canada), 2016
Communicating voice emphasis in harpsichord performance
B Gingras, PY Asselin, M Goodchild, S McAdams
ESCOM 2009: 7th Triennial Conference of European Society for the Cognitive …, 2009
Sustainability engineering collection assessment: A mixed-method analysis
M Goodchild, J Zhao
Science & Technology Libraries 36 (2), 153-169, 2017
Acoustic and musical features of emotional response to orchestral gestures
M Goodchild
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19 (1), 2013
Integrating Dataverse and Archivematica for Research Data PreservatIon
M Goodchild, G Hurley
iPres 2019 - 16th International Conference on Digital Preservation, 2019
Research Data Sharing and Reuse in Canada: Practice and Policy
M Goodchild, S Khair, A Leahey, K Newson, L Wilson
Research Data Management in the Canadian Context, 2023
Recommendations for a National Dataverse Service
E Barsky, C Davis, A Darnell, J Flynn, L Goddard, M Goodchild, A Leahey, ...
Digital Music Libraries: Librarian Perspectives and the Challenges Ahead
M Goodchild
CAML Review/Revue de l'ACBM 45 (2-3), 2017
Formal structures in the solo keyboard music of JC Bach and their influence on Mozart
M Goodchild
McGill University, 2008
Beyond the Paywall: Advocacy, Infrastructure, and the Future of Open Access in Canada
M Swartz, M Shannon, M Goodchild
Leading the Way: Envisioning the Future of Higher Education, 2024
Partage et réutilisation des données de recherche au Canada: pratiques et politiques
M Goodchild, S Khair, A Leahey, K Newson, L Wilson
La gestion des données de recherche dans le contexte canadien, 2023
Making Research Data Public: Workshopping Data Curation for Digital Humanities Projects.
F Tayler, S Simpkin, M Mitchell, C Crompton, K Shearer, M Lincoln, ...
DH, 2020
Dataverse and Other Shared Platforms for Discovery, Access, Deposit, and Re-Use
M Goodchild
Data Day Organizing Committee, 2018
Queen’s University Research Data Management Survey, 2022
B Donald, A Cappello, A Cooper, M Goodchild, R Pero
Queen's University Library, 0
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Articles 1–20