Ryan Germain
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Cited by
Vertebrate biodiversity on indigenous-managed lands in Australia, Brazil, and Canada equals that in protected areas
R Schuster, RR Germain, JR Bennett, NJ Reo, P Arcese
Environmental Science & Policy 101, 1-6, 2019
The genetics of seasonal migration and plumage color
KE Delmore, DPL Toews, RR Germain, GL Owens, DE Irwin
Current Biology 26 (16), 2167-2173, 2016
Distinguishing individual quality from habitat preference and quality in a territorial passerine
RR Germain, P Arcese
Ecology 95 (2), 436-445, 2014
Comparative bioacoustics: a roadmap for quantifying and comparing animal sounds across diverse taxa
KJ Odom, M Araya‐Salas, JL Morano, RA Ligon, GM Leighton, CC Taff, ...
Biological Reviews 96 (4), 1135-1159, 2021
Quantifying inbreeding avoidance through extra‐pair reproduction
JM Reid, P Arcese, LF Keller, RR Germain, AB Duthie, S Losdat, ...
Evolution 69 (1), 59-74, 2015
Direct and indirect genetic and fine‐scale location effects on breeding date in song sparrows
RR Germain, ME Wolak, P Arcese, S Losdat, JM Reid
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (6), 1613-1624, 2016
Individual variability and versatility in an eco-evolutionary model of avian migration
KE Delmore, BM Van Doren, GJ Conway, T Curk, T Garrido-Garduño, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1938), 20201339, 2020
Habitat preference facilitates successful early breeding in an open‐cup nesting songbird
RR Germain, R Schuster, KE Delmore, P Arcese
Functional Ecology 29 (12), 1522-1532, 2015
Communicating science: Sending the right message to the right audience
MJ Wilson, TL Ramey, MR Donaldson, RR Germain, EK Perkin
FACETS 1, 127-137, 2016
Carotenoid-based male plumage predicts parental investment in the American Redstart
RR Germain, MW Reudink, PP Marra, LM Ratcliffe
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122 (2), 318-325, 2010
Sexual Dichromatism in the Northern Map Turtle, Graptemys geographica
G Bulté, RR Germain, CM O'Connor, G Blouin-Demers
Chelonian Conservation and Biology 12 (1), 187-192, 2013
Relationships between carotenoid-based female plumage and age, reproduction, and mate colour in the American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla)
MM Osmond, MW Reudink, RR Germain, PP Marra, JJ Nocera, PT Boag, ...
Canadian Journal of Zoology 91 (8), 589-595, 2013
Phenotypic divergence during speciation is inversely associated with differences in seasonal migration
KE Delmore, HL Kenyon, RR Germain, DE Irwin
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1819), 20151921, 2015
Color expression in experimentally regrown feathers of an overwintering migratory bird: implications for signaling and seasonal interactions
CM Tonra, KLD Marini, PP Marra, RR Germain, RL Holberton, ...
Ecology and Evolution 4 (8), 1222-1232, 2014
Purifying selection in the toll-like receptors of song sparrows Melospiza melodia
MJ Nelson-Flower, RR Germain, EA MacDougall-Shackleton, SS Taylor, ...
Journal of Heredity 109, 501-509, 2018
Using multi-scale distribution and movement effects along a montane highway to identify optimal crossing locations for a large-bodied mammal community
R Schuster, H Römer, RR Germain
PeerJ 1, e189, 2013
Adult-like plumage coloration predicts winter territory quality and timing of arrival on the breeding grounds of yearling male American redstarts
RR Germain, PP Marra, TK Kyser, LM Ratcliffe
The Condor 112 (4), 676-682, 2010
Changes in the functional diversity of modern bird species over the last million years
RR Germain, S Feng, L Buffan, CP Carmona, G Chen, GR Graves, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (7), e2201945119, 2023
Species-specific traits mediate avian demographic responses under past climate change
RR Germain, S Feng, G Chen, GR Graves, JA Tobias, C Rahbek, F Lei, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 7, 862–872, 2023
The consequences of polyandry for sibship structures, distributions of relationships and relatedness, and potential for inbreeding in a wild population
RR Germain, P Arcese, JM Reid
The American Naturalist 191 (5), 638-657, 2018
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Articles 1–20