CSR and the debate on business and human rights: Bridging the great divide F Wettstein Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (4), 739-770, 2012 | 396 | 2012 |
Multinational corporations and global justice: human rights obligations of a quasi-governmental institution F Wettstein Stanford University Press, 2020 | 310 | 2020 |
“Why should we care about marriage equality?”: Political advocacy as a part of corporate responsibility F Wettstein, D Baur Journal of business ethics 138, 199-213, 2016 | 296 | 2016 |
International business and human rights: A research agenda F Wettstein, E Giuliani, GD Santangelo, GK Stahl Journal of World Business 54 (1), 54-65, 2019 | 222 | 2019 |
Normativity, ethics, and the UN guiding principles on business and human rights: A critical assessment F Wettstein Journal of Human Rights 14 (2), 162-182, 2015 | 172 | 2015 |
The duty to protect: Corporate complicity, political responsibility, and human rights advocacy F Wettstein Journal of Business Ethics 96, 33-47, 2010 | 169 | 2010 |
Silence as complicity: Elements of a corporate duty to speak out against the violation of human rights F Wettstein Business and Human Rights, 105-134, 2012 | 136 | 2012 |
Beyond voluntariness, beyond CSR: Making a case for human rights and justice. F Wettstein Business & Society Review (00453609) 114 (1), 2009 | 126 | 2009 |
Beyond guilty verdicts: Human rights litigation and its impact on corporations’ human rights policies J Schrempf-Stirling, F Wettstein Journal of Business Ethics 145, 545-562, 2017 | 125 | 2017 |
For better or for worse: Corporate responsibility beyond “do no harm” F Wettstein Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (2), 275-283, 2010 | 115 | 2010 |
Voluntary or Mandatory: That is (Not) the Question. Linking Corpo-rate Citizenship to Human Rights Obligations for Business F Wettstein, S Waddock zfwu Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts-und Unternehmensethik 6 (3), 304-320, 2005 | 70 | 2005 |
Die soziale Verantwortung der Wirtschaft: was Bürger von Unternehmen erwarten Y Lunau, F Wettstein Haupt, 2004 | 49 | 2004 |
The history of business and human rights and its relationship with corporate social responsibility F Wettstein Research handbook on human rights and business, 23-45, 2020 | 48 | 2020 |
Corporate responsibility in the collective age: Toward a conception of collaborative responsibility F Wettstein Business and Society Review 117 (2), 155-184, 2012 | 44 | 2012 |
Business and human rights: Ethical, legal, and managerial perspectives F Wettstein Cambridge University Press, 2022 | 41 | 2022 |
Betting on the wrong (Trojan) horse: CSR and the implementation of the UN guiding principles on business and human rights F Wettstein Business and Human Rights Journal 6 (2), 312-325, 2021 | 41 | 2021 |
Human rights: A promising perspective for Business & Society J Schrempf-Stirling, HJ Van Buren III, F Wettstein Business & Society 61 (5), 1282-1321, 2022 | 38 | 2022 |
From causality to capability: Towards a new understanding of the multinational corporation's enlarged global responsibilities F Wettstein Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 105-117, 2005 | 38 | 2005 |
From side show to main act: can business and human rights save corporate responsibility? F Wettstein Business and Human Rights, 78-87, 2016 | 36 | 2016 |
Die soziale Verantwortung der Wirtschaft Y Lunau, F Wettstein Was Bürger von Unternehmen erwarten. Bern, Haupt, 2004 | 36 | 2004 |