S. Camille Peres
S. Camille Peres
Nuclear Regulatory commission
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Cited by
Validation of the system usability scale (SUS) SUS in the wild
SC Peres, T Pham, R Phillips
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 57 (1 …, 2013
The effect of experience on System Usability Scale ratings.
S McLellan, A Muddimer, SC Peres
Journal of usability studies 7 (2), 2012
The system usability scale: Beyond standard usability testing
RA Grier, A Bangor, P Kortum, SC Peres
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 57 (1 …, 2013
Hidden costs of graphical user interfaces: Failure to make the transition from menus and icon toolbars to keyboard shortcuts
DM Lane, HA Napier, SC Peres, A Sandor
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 18 (2), 133-144, 2005
The relationship between system effectiveness and subjective usability scores using the System Usability Scale
P Kortum, SC Peres
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 30 (7), 575-584, 2014
Accessing physical activity among young adults attending a university: the role of sex, race/ethnicity, technology use, and sleep
SD Towne, MG Ory, ML Smith, SC Peres, AW Pickens, RK Mehta, ...
BMC public health 17, 1-11, 2017
Investigating resilience in emergency management: An integrative review of literature
C Son, F Sasangohar, T Neville, SC Peres, J Moon
Applied ergonomics 87, 103114, 2020
Interactive simulations in the teaching of statistics: Promise and pitfalls
DM Lane, SC Peres
Proceedings of the seventh international conference on teaching statistics, 2006
Testing usability and acceptability of a web application to promote physical activity (iCanFit) among older adults
Y Hong, D Goldberg, DV Dahlke, MG Ory, JS Cargill, R Coughlin, ...
JMIR human factors 1 (1), e3787, 2014
Disaster ergonomics: human factors in COVID-19 pandemic emergency management
F Sasangohar, J Moats, R Mehta, SC Peres
Human Factors 62 (7), 1061-1068, 2020
Call center productivity over 6 months following a standing desk intervention
G Garrett, M Benden, R Mehta, A Pickens, SC Peres, H Zhao
IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors 4 (2-3), 188-195, 2016
Comparison of objective and subjective operator fatigue assessment methods in offshore shiftwork
RK Mehta, SC Peres, P Kannan, J Rhee, AE Shortz, MS Mannan
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 48, 376-381, 2017
System and method for the anticipation and execution of icon selection in graphical user interfaces
D Lane, H Napier, S Peres, A Sandor
US Patent App. 11/503,516, 2007
Auditory graphs: The effects of redundant dimensions and divided attention
SC Peres, DM Lane
Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2005 …, 2005
Investigating written procedures in process safety: Qualitative data analysis of interviews from high risk facilities
F Sasangohar, SC Peres, JP Williams, A Smith, MS Mannan
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 113, 30-39, 2018
Keyboard shortcut usage: The roles of social factors and computer experience
SC Peres, FP Tamborello, MD Fleetwood, P Chung, DL Paige-Smith
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 48 (5 …, 2004
Evaluation of home health care devices: Remote usability assessment
P Kortum, SC Peres
JMIR human factors 2 (1), e4570, 2015
Auditory interfaces
SC Peres, V Best, D Brock, C Frauenberger, T Hermann, JG Neuhoff, ...
HCI beyond the GUI: design for haptic, speech, olfactory, and other …, 2008
Sonification of statistical graphs
SC Peres, DM Lane
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2003
A summary and synthesis of procedural regulations and standards—Informing a procedures writer's guide
SC Peres, N Quddus, P Kannan, L Ahmed, P Ritchey, W Johnson, ...
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 44, 726-734, 2016
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Articles 1–20