Cătălin Voiniciuc
Cătălin Voiniciuc
Associate Professor, Horticultural Sciences, University of Florida
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Cited by
Subfunctionalization of cellulose synthases in seed coat epidermal cells mediates secondary radial wall synthesis and mucilage attachment
V Mendu, JS Griffiths, S Persson, J Stork, AB Downie, C Voiniciuc, ...
Plant physiology 157 (1), 441-453, 2011
MUCILAGE-RELATED10 Produces Galactoglucomannan That Maintains Pectin and Cellulose Architecture in Arabidopsis Seed Mucilage
C Voiniciuc, MHW Schmidt, A Berger, B Yang, B Ebert, HV Scheller, ...
Plant Physiology 169 (1), 403-420, 2015
Monitoring Polysaccharide Dynamics in the Plant Cell Wall
C Voiniciuc, M Pauly, B Usadel
Plant Physiology, pp.01776.2017, 2018
Starting to Gel: How Arabidopsis Seed Coat Epidermal Cells Produce Specialized Secondary Cell Walls
C Voiniciuc, B Yang, MHW Schmidt, M Günl, B Usadel
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16 (2), 3452-3473, 2015
SALT-OVERLY SENSITIVE5 mediates Arabidopsis seed coat mucilage adherence and organization through pectins
JS Griffiths, AYL Tsai, H Xue, C Voiniciuc, K Šola, GJ Seifert, ...
Plant physiology 165 (3), 991-1004, 2014
Highly Branched Xylan Made by IRREGULAR XYLEM14 and MUCILAGE-RELATED21 Links Mucilage to Arabidopsis Seeds
C Voiniciuc, M Günl, MHW Schmidt, B Usadel
Plant physiology 169 (4), 2481-2495, 2015
FLYING SAUCER1 Is a Transmembrane RING E3 Ubiquitin Ligase That Regulates the Degree of Pectin Methylesterification in Arabidopsis Seed Mucilage
C Voiniciuc, GH Dean, JS Griffiths, K Kirchsteiger, YT Hwang, A Gillett, ...
The Plant Cell 25 (3), 944-959, 2013
Identification of Key Enzymes for Pectin Synthesis in Seed Mucilage
C Voiniciuc, KA Engle, M Günl, S Dieluweit, MHW Schmidt, JY Yang, ...
Plant physiology 178 (3), 1045-1064, 2018
Unidirectional Movement of Cellulose Synthase Complexes in Arabidopsis Seed Coat Epidermal Cells Deposit Cellulose Involved in Mucilage Extrusion, Adherence, and Ray Formation
J Griffiths, K Šola, R Kushwaha, P Lam, M Tateno, R Young, C Voiniciuc, ...
Plant Physiology 168 (2), 502-520, 2015
Mechanistic insights from plant heteromannan synthesis in yeast
C Voiniciuc, M Dama, N Gawenda, F Stritt, M Pauly
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (2), 522-527, 2019
SHOU4 Proteins Regulate Trafficking of Cellulose Synthase Complexes to the Plasma Membrane
JK Polko, WJ Barnes, C Voiniciuc, S Doctor, B Steinwand, JL Hill Jr, ...
Current Biology 28 (19), 3174-3182. e6, 2018
Cell-wall damage activates DOF transcription factors to promote wound healing and tissue regeneration in Arabidopsis thaliana
A Zhang, K Matsuoka, A Kareem, M Robert, P Roszak, B Blob, A Bisht, ...
Current Biology 32 (9), 1883-1894. e7, 2022
Modern Mannan: A Hemicellulose's Journey
C Voiniciuc
New Phytologist 234, 1175–1184, 2022
Jasmonate biosynthesis arising from altered cell walls is prompted by turgor-driven mechanical compression
S Mielke, M Zimmer, MK Meena, R Dreos, H Stellmach, B Hause, ...
Science Advances 7 (7), eabf0356, 2021
Extensive Natural Variation in Arabidopsis Seed Mucilage Structure
C Voiniciuc, E Zimmermann, MHW Schmidt, M Günl, L Fu, HM North, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 7 (803), doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00803, 2016
TRM 4 is essential for cellulose deposition in Arabidopsis seed mucilage by maintaining cortical microtubule organization and interacting with CESA 3
B Yang, C Voiniciuc, L Fu, S Dieluweit, H Klose, B Usadel
New Phytologist 221 (2), 881-895, 2019
Analysis of Monosaccharides in Total Mucilage Extractable from Arabidopsis Seeds
C Voiniciuc, M Günl
Bio-protocol 6 (9), e1801, 2016
Broad spectrum developmental role of Brachypodium AUX 1
A van der Schuren, C Voiniciuc, J Bragg, K Ljung, J Vogel, M Pauly, ...
New Phytologist 219 (4), 1216-1223, 2018
Modular biosynthesis of plant hemicellulose and its impact on yeast cells
M Robert, J Waldhauer, F Stritt, B Yang, M Pauly, C Voiniciuc
Biotechnology for Biofuels 14, 140, 2021
Seed hemicelluloses tailor mucilage properties and salt tolerance
B Yang, F Hofmann, B Usadel, C Voiniciuc
New Phytologist 229, 1946-1954, 2020
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Articles 1–20