Nematollaah Shiri
Nematollaah Shiri
Concordia University
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A parametric approach to deductive databases with uncertainty
LVS Lakshmanan, N Shiri
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 13 (4), 554-570, 2001
A fuzzy hybrid collaborative filtering technique for web personalization
B Suryavanshi, N Shiri, S Mudur
Proceedings of 3rd international workshop on intelligent techniques for web …, 2005
Optimizing Tableau Reasoning in ALC Extended with Uncertainty.
V Haarslev, HI Pai, N Shiri
Description Logics, 2007
Measuring inconsistencies in ontologies
X Deng, V Haarslev, N Shiri
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 4th European Semantic Web …, 2007
An effective ontology matching technique
A Alasoud, V Haarslev, N Shiri
Foundations of Intelligent Systems: 17th International Symposium, ISMIS 2008 …, 2008
An efficient technique for mining usage profiles using relational fuzzy subtractive clustering
BS Suryavanshi, N Shiri, SP Mudur
International workshop on challenges in web information retrieval and …, 2005
New supervised multi layer feed forward neural network model to accelerate classification with high accuracy
R Asadi, N Mustapha, N Sulaiman, N Shiri
European Journal of Scientific Research 33 (1), 163-178, 2009
Formalization of RBAC policy with object class hierarchy
JH Chae, N Shiri
International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience …, 2007
A hybrid approach for ontology integration
A Alasoud, V Haarslev, N Shiri
Proceedings of the 31st VLDB Conference. Trondheim: Norway, 2005
An empirical comparison of ontology matching techniques
A Alasoud, V Haarslev, N Shiri
Journal of Information Science 35 (4), 379-397, 2009
Adaptive web usage profiling
BS Suryavanshi, N Shiri, SP Mudur
Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis: 7th International Workshop on …, 2006
Characterization and efficient management of big data in iot-driven smart city development
A Alsaig, V Alagar, Z Chammaa, N Shiri
Sensors 19 (11), 2430, 2019
Improving the effectiveness of model based recommender systems for highly sparse and noisy web usage data
BS Suryavanshi, N Shin, SP Mudur
The 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'05 …, 2005
A compact multi-resolution index for variable length queries in time series databases
S Kadiyala, N Shiri
Knowledge and information systems 15, 131-147, 2008
Multivariate time series representation and similarity search using pca
A Kane, N Shiri
Advances in Data Mining. Applications and Theoretical Aspects: 17th …, 2017
Uncertainty reasoning for ontologies with general Tboxes in description logic
V Haarslev, HI Pai, N Shiri
International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web, 385-402, 2005
A Framework for Explaining Reasoning in Description Logics.
X Deng, V Haarslev, N Shiri
ExaCt 5, 04, 2005
Languages for multi-database interoperability
F Gingras, LVS Lakshmanan, IN Subramanian, D Papoulis, N Shiri
ACM SIGMOD Record 26 (2), 536-538, 1997
Index-based join operations in hive
M Mofidpoor, N Shiri, T Radhakrishnan
2013 IEEE international conference on big data, 26-33, 2013
A formal framework for description logics with uncertainty
V Haarslev, HI Pai, N Shiri
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 50 (9), 1399-1415, 2009
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Articles 1–20