Dr. Eng. Rita Irmawaty
Dr. Eng. Rita Irmawaty
Assoc. Prof. of Civil Engineering Dept., Hasanuddin University
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Evaluation of sustainable concrete paving blocks incorporating processed waste tea ash
AR Djamaluddin, MA Caronge, MW Tjaronge, AT Lando, R Irmawaty
Case Studies in Construction Materials 12, e00325, 2020
Compressive strength and hydration process of self compacting concrete (SCC) mixed with sea water, marine sand and Portland composite cement
MW Tjaronge, R Irmawaty, SA Adisasmita, A Amiruddin, H Hartini
Advanced Materials Research 935, 242-246, 2014
Preliminary study on early compressive strength of foam concrete using Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and Portland Composite Cement (PCC)
Y Sunarno, MW Tjaronge, R Irmawaty
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 419 (1), 012033, 2020
Effect of water curing duration on strength behaviour of portland composite cement (PCC) mortar
MA Caronge, MW Tjaronge, H Hamada, R Irmawaty
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 271 (1), 012018, 2017
Feasibility study on the use of processed waste tea ash as cement replacement for sustainable concrete production
MA Caronge, MW Tjaronge, IR Rahim, R Irmawaty, FEP Lapian
Journal of Building Engineering 52, 104458, 2022
Influence of water immersion on physical properties of porous asphalt containing liquid asbuton as bituminous asphalt binder
MW Tjaronge, R Irmawaty
Sustain. Constr. Mater. Technol 2013, 2013
Characteristics of geopolymer using rice straw ash, fly ash and laterite soil as eco-friendly materials
PR Rangan, R Irmawaty, AA Amiruddin, B Bakri
GEOMATE Journal 19 (73), 77-81, 2020
Effect of buton granular asphalt gradation and cement as filler on performance of cold mix asphalt using limestone aggregate
MW Tjaronge, R Irmawaty, M Hustim
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 15 (1), 419-433, 2020
Karakteristik beton ringan dengan bahan pengisi styrofoam
AF Putra, R Djamaluddin, R Irmawaty
Tugas Akhir, II-1, 2015
Fired clay bricks incorporating palm oil fuel ash as a sustainable building material: An industrial-scale experiment
AR Djamaluddin, MA Caronge, MW Tjaronge, R Irmawaty
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 14 (4), 852-864, 2021
Effect of coal fly ash filler in silicone rubber and epoxy resin as insulating material in wet environmental conditions
I Kitta, S Manjang, W Tjaronge, R Irmawaty
International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 160402-3939, 2016
Prestress loss and bending capacity of pre-cracked 40 year-old PC beams exposed to marine environment
A Dasar, R Irmawaty, H Hamada, Y Sagawa, D Yamamoto
MATEC web of conferences 47, 02008, 2016
Effect of the truss system to the flexural behavior of the external reinforced concrete beams
R Djamaluddin, Y Bachtiar, R Irmawati, AM Akkas, RU Latief
International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering 8 (6), 691-695, 2014
Strength performance of sodium hydroxide-activated fly ash, rice straw ash, and laterite soil geopolymer mortar
PR Rangan, R Irmawaty, AA Amiruddin, B Bakri
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 473 (1), 012123, 2020
Studi tarik belah beton dengan penambahan dramix steel fiber
A Azis, H Parung, R Irmawaty
Naskah Publikasi, 1-11, 2016
Bond Characteristics of GFRP sheet on strengthened concrete beams due to Flexural Loading
R Djamaluddin, MA Sultan, R Irmawati, H Shinichi
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 7 (2), 110, 2015
Corrosion evaluation of reinforcing bar in sea water mixed mortar by electrochemical method
A Dasar, H Hamada, Y Sagawa, R Irmawaty
Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute 35 (1), 889-894, 2013
Influence of Prefabricated Foam Concrete as Infill Wall on the Strength due to Cyclic Loading
AA Amiruddin, H Parung, MW Tjaronge, R Irmawaty, M Tumpu
Geomate Journal 22 (93), 114-121, 2022
Flexural Capacity of the Concrete Beams Reinforced by Steel Truss System
R Djamaluddin, PL Frans, R Irmawati
MATEC Web of Conferences 138, 02003, 2017
Application of sacrificial point anode for prevention of steel corrosion in cracked concrete
MA Caronge, H Hamada, R Irmawaty, Y Sagawa, D Yamamoto
Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 13 (10), 479-488, 2015
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Articles 1–20