Terje Falck-Ytter
Terje Falck-Ytter
Professor of psychology at Uppsala University and Principal Researcher at Karolinska Institutet
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Infants predict other people's action goals
T Falck-Ytter, G Gredebäck, C Von Hofsten
Nature neuroscience 9 (7), 878-879, 2006
Eye tracking in early autism research
T Falck-Ytter, S Bölte, G Gredebäck
Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders 5, 1-13, 2013
How special is social looking in ASD: a review
T Falck-Ytter, C Von Hofsten
Progress in brain research 189, 209-222, 2011
Joint attention in infancy and the emergence of autism
P Nyström, E Thorup, S Bölte, T Falck-Ytter
Biological psychiatry 86 (8), 631-638, 2019
Face scanning distinguishes social from communication impairments in autism
T Falck‐Ytter, E Fernell, C Gillberg, C Von Hofsten
Developmental science 13 (6), 864-875, 2010
Altered gaze following during live interaction in infants at risk for autism: an eye tracking study
E Thorup, P Nyström, G Gredebäck, S Bölte, T Falck-Ytter, EASE Team
Molecular autism 7, 1-10, 2016
Autistic traits and symptoms of social anxiety are differentially related to attention to others’ eyes in social anxiety disorder
JL Kleberg, J Högström, M Nord, S Bölte, E Serlachius, T Falck-Ytter
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 47, 3814-3821, 2017
Young children with autism spectrum disorder look differently at positive versus negative emotional faces
TCJ de Wit, T Falck-Ytter, C von Hofsten
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2 (4), 651-659, 2008
Gaze performance in children with autism spectrum disorder when observing communicative actions
T Falck-Ytter, E Fernell, ÅL Hedvall, C Von Hofsten, C Gillberg
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 42, 2236-2245, 2012
Face inversion effects in autism: a combined looking time and pupillometric study
T Falck‐Ytter
Autism Research 1 (5), 297-306, 2008
Eye tracking in human interaction: Possibilities and limitations
NV Valtakari, ITC Hooge, C Viktorsson, P Nyström, T Falck-Ytter, ...
Behavior Research Methods, 1-17, 2021
Action type and goal type modulate goal-directed gaze shifts in 14-month-old infants.
G Gredebäck, D Stasiewicz, T Falck-Ytter, K Rosander, C von Hofsten
Developmental psychology 45 (4), 1190, 2009
Eye movements during action observation
G Gredebäck, T Falck-Ytter
Perspectives on Psychological Science 10 (5), 591-598, 2015
Lack of visual orienting to biological motion and audiovisual synchrony in 3-year-olds with autism
T Falck-Ytter, E Rehnberg, S Bölte
PloS one 8 (7), e68816, 2013
Enhanced pupillary light reflex in infancy is associated with autism diagnosis in toddlerhood
P Nyström, T Gliga, E Nilsson Jobs, G Gredebäck, T Charman, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 1678, 2018
Eye contact modulates cognitive processing differently in children with autism
T Falck‐Ytter, C Carlström, M Johansson
Child development 86 (1), 37-47, 2015
The motor cortex is causally related to predictive eye movements during action observation
C Elsner, A D'Ausilio, G Gredebäck, T Falck-Ytter, L Fadiga
Neuropsychologia 51 (3), 488-492, 2013
Genetic influence on eye movements to complex scenes at short timescales
DP Kennedy, BM D’Onofrio, PD Quinn, S Bölte, P Lichtenstein, ...
Current Biology 27 (22), 3554-3560. e3, 2017
The TimeStudio Project: An open source scientific workflow system for the behavioral and brain sciences
P Nyström, T Falck-Ytter, G Gredebäck
Behavior research methods 48, 542-552, 2016
Infants at risk for autism: a European perspective on current status, challenges and opportunities
S Bölte, PB Marschik, T Falck-Ytter, T Charman, H Roeyers, M Elsabbagh
European child & adolescent psychiatry 22, 341-348, 2013
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Articles 1–20