T.A. Black
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An examination of the Degtjareff method for determining soil organic matter, and a proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method
A Walkley, IA Black
Soil science 37 (1), 29-38, 1934
Defining leaf area index for non‐flat leaves
JM Chen, TA Black
Plant, Cell & Environment 15 (4), 421-429, 1992
The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data
G Pastorello, C Trotta, E Canfora, H Chu, D Christianson, YW Cheah, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 225, 2020
Influence of spring and autumn phenological transitions on forest ecosystem productivity
AD Richardson, T Andy Black, P Ciais, N Delbart, MA Friedl, N Gobron, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 …, 2010
Advantages of diffuse radiation for terrestrial ecosystem productivity
L Gu, D Baldocchi, SB Verma, TA Black, T Vesala, EM Falge, PR Dowty
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107 (D6), ACL 2-1-ACL 2-23, 2002
Observed increase in local cooling effect of deforestation at higher latitudes
X Lee, ML Goulden, DY Hollinger, A Barr, TA Black, G Bohrer, R Bracho, ...
Nature 479 (7373), 384-387, 2011
Ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes after disturbance in forests of North America
BD Amiro, AG Barr, JG Barr, TA Black, R Bracho, M Brown, J Chen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115 (G4), 2010
The prediction of evaporation, drainage, and soil water storage for a bare soil
TA Black, WR Gardner, GW Thurtell
Soil Science Society of America Journal 33 (5), 655-660, 1969
Inter-annual variability in the leaf area index of a boreal aspen-hazelnut forest in relation to net ecosystem production
AG Barr, TA Black, EH Hogg, N Kljun, K Morgenstern, Z Nesic
Agricultural and forest meteorology 126 (3-4), 237-255, 2004
Annual cycles of water vapour and carbon dioxide fluxes in and above a boreal aspen forest
TA Black, G Den Hartog, HH Neumann, PD Blanken, PC Yang, C Russell, ...
Global Change Biology 2 (3), 219-229, 1996
Integration of MODIS land and atmosphere products with a coupled‐process model to estimate gross primary productivity and evapotranspiration from 1 km to global scales
Y Ryu, DD Baldocchi, H Kobayashi, C Van Ingen, J Li, TA Black, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 25 (4), 2011
Sediment production from forest roads in western Oregon
CH Luce, TA Black
Water Resources Research 35 (8), 2561-2570, 1999
Evaluation of hemispherical photography for determining plant area index and geometry of a forest stand
JM Chen, TA Black, RS Adams
Agricultural and forest meteorology 56 (1-2), 129-143, 1991
Energy balance and canopy conductance of a boreal aspen forest: partitioning overstory and understory components
PD Blanken, TA Black, PC Yang, HH Neumann, Z Nesic, R Staebler, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 102 (D24), 28915-28927, 1997
Carbon, energy and water fluxes at mature and disturbed forest sites, Saskatchewan, Canada
BD Amiro, AG Barr, TA Black, H Iwashita, N Kljun, JH McCaughey, ...
Agricultural and forest meteorology 136 (3-4), 237-251, 2006
Increased carbon sequestration by a boreal deciduous forest in years with a warm spring
TA Black, WJ Chen, AG Barr, MA Arain, Z Chen, Z Nesic, EH Hogg, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 27 (9), 1271-1274, 2000
Interpreting the dependence of soil respiration on soil temperature and water content in a boreal aspen stand
D Gaumont-Guay, TA Black, TJ Griffis, AG Barr, RS Jassal, Z Nesic
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 140 (1-4), 220-235, 2006
Measuring leaf area index of plant canopies with branch architecture
JM Chen, TA Black
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 57 (1-3), 1-12, 1991
A study of evapotranspiration from a Douglas fir forest using the energy balance approach
KG McNaughton, TA Black
Water Resources Research 9 (6), 1579-1590, 1973
A model‐data comparison of gross primary productivity: Results from the North American Carbon Program site synthesis
K Schaefer, CR Schwalm, C Williams, MA Arain, A Barr, JM Chen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 117 (G3), 2012
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