Diederik Stapel
Diederik Stapel
Tilburg University
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Power increases hypocrisy: Moralizing in reasoning, immorality in behavior
J Lammers, DA Stapel, AD Galinsky
Psychological science 21 (5), 737-744, 2010
Seeing one thing and doing another: Contrast effects in automatic behavior.
A Dijksterhuis, R Spears, T Postmes, D Stapel, W Koomen, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 75 (4), 862, 1998
I, we, and the effects of others on me: how self-construal level moderates social comparison effects.
DA Stapel, W Koomen
Journal of personality and social psychology 80 (5), 766, 2001
From seeing to being: subliminal social comparisons affect implicit and explicit self-evaluations.
DA Stapel, H Blanton
Journal of personality and social psychology 87 (4), 468, 2004
We can do it: the interplay of construal orientation and social comparisons under threat.
DM Marx, DA Stapel, D Muller
Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (3), 432, 2005
Power increases dehumanization
J Lammers, DA Stapel
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 14 (1), 113-126, 2011
How power influences moral thinking.
J Lammers, DA Stapel
Journal of personality and social psychology 97 (2), 279, 2009
Differentiating social and personal power: Opposite effects on stereotyping, but parallel effects on behavioral approach tendencies
J Lammers, JI Stoker, DA Stapel
Psychological Science 20 (12), 1543-1548, 2009
Power increases infidelity among men and women
J Lammers, JI Stoker, J Jordan, M Pollmann, DA Stapel
Psychological science 22 (9), 1191-1197, 2011
Competition, cooperation, and the effects of others on me.
DA Stapel, W Koomen
Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (6), 1029, 2005
Categories of category accessibility: The impact of trait concept versus exemplar priming on person judgments
DA Stapel, W Koomen, J Van der Pligt
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 33 (1), 47-76, 1997
On models and vases: body dissatisfaction and proneness to social comparison effects.
D Trampe, DA Stapel, FW Siero
Journal of personality and social psychology 92 (1), 106, 2007
Distinctiveness of others, mutability of selves: Their impact on self-evaluations.
DA Stapel, W Koomen
Journal of personality and social psychology 79 (6), 1068, 2000
Who wants feedback? An investigation of the variables influencing residents’ feedback-seeking behavior in relation to night shifts
PW Teunissen, DA Stapel, C van der Vleuten, A Scherpbier, K Boor, ...
Academic medicine 84 (7), 910-917, 2009
Assimilation and contrast as a function of context-target similarity, distinctness, and dimensional relevance
DA Stapel, P Winkielman
Personality and social psychology bulletin 24 (6), 634-646, 1998
Self-activation increases social comparison.
DA Stapel, A Tesser
Journal of personality and social psychology 81 (4), 742, 2001
Beauty as a tool: The effect of model attractiveness, product relevance, and elaboration likelihood on advertising effectiveness.
D Trampe, DA Stapel, FW Siero, H Mulder
Psychology & Marketing 27 (12), 2010
The magic spell of language: linguistic categories and their perceptual consequences.
DA Stapel, GR Semin
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 93 (1), 23, 2007
The effects of diffuse and distinct affect.
DA Stapel, W Koomen, KI Ruys
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 83 (1), 60, 2002
The secret life of emotions [retracted]
KI Ruys, DA Stapel
Psychological science 19 (4), 385-391, 2008
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Articles 1–20