Laura Gilbert
Cited by
Cited by
Over the horizon: Exploring the conditions of a post-growth world
T Crownshaw, C Morgan, A Adams, M Sers, N Britto dos Santos, ...
The Anthropocene Review 6 (1-2), 117-141, 2019
Serious games as planning support systems: Learning from playing maritime spatial planning challenge 2050
S Jean, L Gilbert, W Medema, X Keijser, I Mayer, A Inam, J Adamowski
Water 10 (12), 1786, 2018
More on the asymmetric infinite square well: energy eigenstates with zero curvature
LP Gilbert, M Belloni, MA Doncheski, RW Robinett
European journal of physics 26 (5), 815, 2005
Playing quantum physics jeopardy with zero-energy eigenstates
LP Gilbert, M Belloni, MA Doncheski, RW Robinett
American journal of physics 74 (11), 1035-1036, 2006
Optimum irrigation strategy to maximize yield and quality of potato: A case study in southern Alberta, Canada
A Yari, L Gilbert, CA Madramootoo, SA Woods, VI Adamchuk
Irrigation and Drainage 70 (4), 609-621, 2021
Modified reporting of positive urine cultures to reduce inappropriate antibiotic treatment of catheter-associated asymptomatic bacteriuria (CA-ASB) among inpatients, a …
CL Pratt, Z Rehan, L Xing, L Gilbert, B Fillier, B Barrett, P Daley
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 42 (10), 1221-1227, 2021
Modified reporting of positive urine cultures to reduce treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria in long-term care facilities: a randomized controlled trial
Z Rehan, C Pratt, K Babb, B Filier, L Gilbert, R Wilson, P Daley
JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance 4 (5), dlac109, 2022
Piecewise zero-curvature energy eigenfunctions in one dimension
LP Gilbert, M Belloni, MA Doncheski, RW Robinett
European journal of physics 27 (6), 1331, 2006
Piecewise zero-curvature solutions of the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation
LP Gilbert, M Belloni, MA Doncheski, RW Robinett
To be submitted for publication, 2005
Chromobacterium violaceum in a U.S. Marine: A Case Report
J Attonito, G Tomasello, B Barrett, R Wauters, A Adams, L Gilbert
Military Medicine 189 (5-6), e928-e931, 2024
Self-transcendence Motivated Decisions in Water Governance—Learning by Playing the Serious Game AquaRepublica
L Gilbert, S Jean, W Medema, J Adamowski
Gaming and Geography: A Multi-perspective Approach to Understanding the …, 2024
Dr. Mario Belloni, Committee Chair Dr. Laurence Cain, Department Chair Dr. Wolfgang Christian
LP Gilbert
Davidson College, 2006
An Analytic Study of the Quantum-mechanical Asymmetric Infinite Square Well
LP Gilbert
Davidson College, 2006
An Analytic Study of Energy Eigenstates of Piecewise-constant Potentials Using the Wigner Quasi-probability Distribution
M Belloni, L Gilbert, M Doncheski
APS Southeastern Section Meeting Abstracts 72, GB. 003, 2005
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Articles 1–14