Amlan Barai
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MMP proteolytic activity regulates cancer invasiveness by modulating integrins
A Das, M Monteiro, A Barai, S Kumar, S Sen
Scientific reports 7 (1), 14219, 2017
Geometry of a DNA Nanostructure Influences Its Endocytosis: Cellular Study on 2D, 3D, and in Vivo Systems
A Rajwar, SR Shetty, P Vaswani, V Morya, A Barai, S Sen, M Sonawane, ...
ACS nano 16 (7), 10496-10508, 2022
MMP secretion rate and inter-invadopodia spacing collectively govern cancer invasiveness
S Kumar, A Das, A Barai, S Sen
Biophysical journal 114 (3), 650-662, 2018
Biophysical regulation of mouse embryonic stem cell fate and genomic integrity by feeder derived matrices
LK Sthanam, A Barai, A Rastogi, VK Mistari, A Maria, R Kauthale, M Gatne, ...
Biomaterials 119, 9-22, 2017
α-Actinin-4 confers radioresistance coupled invasiveness in breast cancer cells through AKT pathway
S Desai, A Barai, AB Bukhari, A De, S Sen
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research 1865 (1), 196-208, 2018
Combined heterogeneity in cell size and deformability promotes cancer invasiveness
Asadullah, S Kumar, N Saxena, M Sarkar, A Barai, S Sen
Journal of cell science 134 (7), jcs250225, 2021
Nuclear softening is essential for protease-independent migration
A Das, A Barai, M Monteiro, S Kumar, S Sen
Matrix Biology 82, 4-19, 2019
Soft drug-resistant ovarian cancer cells migrate via two distinct mechanisms utilizing myosin II-based contractility
A Kapoor, A Barai, B Thakur, A Das, SR Patwardhan, M Monteiro, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research 1865 (2), 392-405, 2018
EpCAM-mediated cellular plasticity promotes radiation resistance and metastasis in breast cancer
A Mal, AB Bukhari, RK Singh, A Kapoor, A Barai, I Deshpande, ...
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology 8, 597673, 2021
Nuclear plasticity increases susceptibility to damage during confined migration
A Mukherjee, A Barai, RK Singh, W Yan, S Sen
PLoS computational biology 16 (10), e1008300, 2020
α-Actinin-4 drives invasiveness by regulating myosin IIB expression and myosin IIA localization
A Barai, A Mukherjee, A Das, N Saxena, S Sen
Journal of Cell Science 134 (23), 2021
Chemical evidence of preserved collagen in 54‐million‐year‐old fish vertebrae
S Dutta, S Kumar, H Singh, MA Khan, A Barai, A Tewari, RS Rana, S Bera, ...
Palaeontology 63 (2), 195-202, 2020
Engineering interfacial migration by collective tuning of adhesion anisotropy and stiffness
E George, A Barai, P Shirke, A Majumder, S Sen
Acta biomaterialia 72, 82-93, 2018
Length-limitation of astral microtubules orients cell divisions in intestinal crypts
S Jad, A Barai, F Marc-Antoine, F Olivia, S Matis, G Cécile, C Hongyue, ...
Developmental Cell 58 (17), 1519 - 1536, 2023
Measuring microenvironment-tuned nuclear stiffness of cancer cells with atomic force microscopy
A Barai, A Das, S Sen
STAR protocols 2 (1), 100296, 2021
High ligand density drives extensive spreading and motility on soft GelMA gels
E George, I Jahan, A Barai, V Ganesan, S Sen
Biomedical Materials 16 (5), 054103, 2021
Amoebal Tubulin Cleavage Late during Infection Is a Characteristic Feature of Mimivirus but Not of Marseillevirus
N Goyal, A Barai, S Sen, K Kondabagil
Microbiology Spectrum 10 (6), e02753-22, 2022
A possible alternate pathway for intravascular thrombosis-Investigation of the circumstantial evidence by microfluidics
S Das, A Barai
Medical Science and Discovery 4 (1), 1-11, 2017
Bulky glycocalyx drives cancer invasiveness by modulating substrate-specific adhesion
A Barai, N Piplani, V Gomathi, MM Ghogale, S Kumar, M Kulkarni, S Sen
bioRxiv, 2023.08. 03.551677, 2023
Ligand geometry dictates cellular and in vivo uptake of 3D DNA nanostructures
AR Gada, S RS, P Vaswani, V Morya, A Barai, S Sen, S Gupta, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.10. 19.465062, 2021
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Articles 1–20