Joern Davidsen
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Cited by
Emergence of a small world from local interactions: Modeling acquaintance networks
J Davidsen, H Ebel, S Bornholdt
Physical review letters 88 (12), 128701, 2002
Scaling and universality in rock fracture
J Davidsen, S Stanchits, G Dresen
Physical review letters 98 (12), 125502, 2007
Dynamics of social networks
H Ebel, J Davidsen, S Bornholdt
Complexity 8 (2), 24-27, 2002
Are seismic waiting time distributions universal?
J Davidsen, C Goltz
Geophysical research letters 31 (21), 2004
Spiral wave chimeras in complex oscillatory and chaotic systems
C Gu, G St-Yves, J Davidsen
Physical review letters 111 (13), 134101, 2013
Analysis of the spatial distribution between successive earthquakes
J Davidsen, M Paczuski
Physical Review Letters 94 (4), 048501, 2005
Breakdown of the Gutenberg‐Richter relation for microearthquakes induced by hydraulic fracturing: Influence of stratabound fractures
DW Eaton, J Davidsen, PK Pedersen, N Boroumand
Geophysical Prospecting 62 (4-Vertical Seismic Profiling and Microseismicity …, 2014
Simple model for 1/f α noise
J Davidsen, HG Schuster
Physical Review E 65 (2), 026120, 2002
Networks of recurrent events, a theory of records, and an application to finding causal signatures in seismicity
J Davidsen, P Grassberger, M Paczuski
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (6 …, 2008
Neuronal avalanche dynamics indicates different universality classes in neuronal cultures
M Yaghoubi, T De Graaf, JG Orlandi, F Girotto, MA Colicos, J Davidsen
Scientific reports 8 (1), 3417, 2018
Triggering cascades and statistical properties of aftershocks
C Gu, AY Schumann, M Baiesi, J Davidsen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 118 (8), 4278-4295, 2013
Earthquake recurrence as a record breaking process
J Davidsen, P Grassberger, M Paczuski
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (11), 2006
Generalized Omori–Utsu law for aftershock sequences in southern California
J Davidsen, C Gu, M Baiesi
Geophysical Journal International 201 (2), 965-978, 2015
Inorganic polyphosphate regulates neuronal excitability through modulation of voltage-gated channels
SC Stotz, LOM Scott, C Drummond-Main, Y Avchalumov, F Girotto, ...
Molecular brain 7, 1-9, 2014
Topological constraints on spiral wave dynamics in spherical geometries with inhomogeneous excitability
J Davidsen, L Glass, R Kapral
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (5 …, 2004
Nontrivial decay of aftershock density with distance in Southern California
J Moradpour, S Hainzl, J Davidsen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (7), 5518-5535, 2014
Triggering processes in rock fracture
J Davidsen, G Kwiatek, EM Charalampidou, T Goebel, S Stanchits, ...
Physical review letters 119 (6), 068501, 2017
Earthquake interevent time distribution for induced micro-, nano-, and picoseismicity
J Davidsen, G Kwiatek
Physical review letters 110 (6), 068501, 2013
Are earthquake magnitudes clustered?
J Davidsen, A Green
Physical Review Letters 106 (10), 108502, 2011
1/f α noise from correlations between avalanches in self-organized criticality
J Davidsen, M Paczuski
Physical Review E 66 (5), 050101, 2002
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Articles 1–20