Xiaojing Xu
Xiaojing Xu
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Between the technology acceptance model and sustainable energy technology acceptance model: Investigating smart meter acceptance in the United States
C Chen, X Xu, L Arpan
Energy research & social science 25, 93-104, 2017
Coronavirus comes home? Energy use, home energy management, and the social-psychological factors of COVID-19
C Chen, GZ de Rubens, X Xu, J Li
Energy research & social science 68, 101688, 2020
Understanding energy-saving behaviors in the American workplace: A unified theory of motivation, opportunity, and ability
D Li, X Xu, C Chen, C Menassa
Energy Research & Social Science 51, 198-209, 2019
Thermal comfort or money saving? Exploring intentions to conserve energy among low-income households in the United States
C Chen, X Xu, JK Day
Energy Research & Social Science 26, 61-71, 2017
Energy efficiency and energy justice for US low-income households: An analysis of multifaceted challenges and potential
X Xu, C Chen
Energy Policy 128, 763-774, 2019
Who wants solar water heaters and alternative fuel vehicles? Assessing social–psychological predictors of adoption intention and policy support in China
C Chen, X Xu, S Frey
Energy Research & Social Science 15, 1-11, 2016
Investigating willingness to save energy and communication about energy use in the American workplace with the attitude-behavior-context model
X Xu, A Maki, C Chen, B Dong, JK Day
Energy research & social science 32, 13-22, 2017
Promoting acceptance of direct load control programs in the United States: Financial incentive versus control option
X Xu, C Chen, X Zhu, Q Hu
Energy 147, 1278-1287, 2018
When East meets West: Understanding residents’ home energy management system adoption intention and willingness to pay in Japan and the United States
C Chen, X Xu, J Adams, J Brannon, F Li, A Walzem
Energy Research & Social Science 69, 101616, 2020
The moderating role of individual differences in responses to benefit and temporal framing of messages promoting residential energy saving
X Xu, LM Arpan, C Chen
Journal of Environmental Psychology 44, 95-108, 2015
Analysis of demand-side response preferences regarding electricity tariffs and direct load control: Key findings from a Swiss survey
S Yilmaz, X Xu, D Cabrera, C Chanez, P Cuony, MK Patel
Energy 212, 118712, 2020
Politics, values, and morals: Assessing consumer responses to the framing of residential renewable energy in the United States
LM Arpan, X Xu, AA Raney, C Chen, Z Wang
Energy research & social science 46, 321-331, 2018
Beyond technology adoption: Examining home energy management systems, energy burdens and climate change perceptions during COVID-19 pandemic
C Chen, H Nelson, X Xu, G Bonilla, N Jones
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 145, 111066, 2021
Linking human-building interactions in shared offices with personality traits
T Hong, C Chen, Z Wang, X Xu
Building and Environment 170, 106602, 2020
Exploring the factors that influence energy use intensity across low-, middle-, and high-income households in the United States
C Chen, X Xu, L Adua, M Briggs, H Nelson
Energy Policy 168, 113071, 2022
Social media and disasters: human security, environmental racism, and crisis communication in Hurricane Irma response
BK Sovacool, X Xu, G Zarazua De Rubens, CF Chen
Environmental Sociology 6 (3), 291-306, 2020
Energy saving at work: Exploring the role of social norms, perceived control and ascribed responsibility in different office layouts
X Xu, CF Chen, D Li, C Menassa
Frontiers in Built Environment 6, 16, 2020
Energy saving at work: Understanding the roles of normative values and perceived benefits and costs in single-person and shared offices in the United States
D Tverskoi, X Xu, H Nelson, C Menassa, S Gavrilets, C Chen
Energy Research & Social Science 79, 102173, 2021
Prediction of human performance using electroencephalography under different indoor room temperatures
T Nayak, T Zhang, Z Mao, X Xu, L Zhang, DJ Pack, B Dong, Y Huang
Brain sciences 8 (4), 74, 2018
An approach to assess the responsive residential demand to financial incentives
Q Hu, X Fang, F Li, X Xu, C Chen, H Hu
2015 Ieee power & energy society general meeting, 1-5, 2015
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