Jean-Jacques Royer
Jean-Jacques Royer
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Large-scale in situ permeability tensor of rocks from induced microseismicity
SA Shapiro, P Audigane, JJ Royer
Geophysical Journal International 137 (1), 207-213, 1999
Part-circular surface cracks in round bars under tension, bending and twisting
A Levan, J Royer
International Journal of Fracture 61, 71-99, 1993
Curvature attribute from surface-restoration as predictor variable in Kupferschiefer copper potentials: an example from the Fore-Sudetic Region
P Mejía-Herrera, JJ Royer, G Caumon, A Cheilletz
Natural Resources Research 24, 275-290, 2015
Convetive heat transfer at the Soultz-sous-Forets Geothermal Site: implications for oil potential
C Le Carlier, JJ Royer, EL Flores
First break 12 (11), 1994
Permeability characterization of the Soultz and Ogachi large-scale reservoir using induced microseismicity
P Audigane, JJ Royer, H Kaieda
Geophysics 67 (1), 204-211, 2002
Temperature of paleo-to modern self-sealing within a continental rift basin; the fluid inclusion data (Soultz-sous-Forets, Rhine Graben, France)
M Dubois, M Ayt Ougougdal, P Meere, JJ Royer, MC Boiron, ...
European Journal of Mineralogy 8 (5), 1065-1080, 1996
Method allowing to obtain an optimum model of a physical characteristic in a heterogeneous medium such as the subsoil
F Fournier, JJ Royer
US Patent 6,662,147, 2003
Two-dimensional natural convection in an anisotropic and heterogeneous porous medium with internal heat generation
JJ Royer, L Flores
International journal of Heat and Mass transfer 37 (9), 1387-1399, 1994
Evolution of internal stresses in rolled Zr702α
D Gloaguen, M François, R Guillen, J Royer
Acta materialia 50 (4), 871-880, 2002
The evolution of the deep flow regime at Soultz‐sous‐Forêts, Rhine Graben, eastern France: Evidence from a composite quartz vein
MP Smith, V Savary, BWD Yardley, JW Valley, JJ Royer, M Dubois
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 103 (B11), 27223-27237, 1998
A new methodology to account for uncertainties in 4D seismic interpretation
P Nivlet, F Fournier, JJ Royer
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2001, 1644-1647, 2001
Cooling pattern and mineralization history of the Saint Sylvestre and western Marche leucogranite pluton, French Massif Central: II. Thermal modelling and implications for the …
S Scaillet, M Cuney, CLC De Veslud, A Cheilletz, JJ Royer
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60 (23), 4673-4688, 1996
Steady state geothermal model of the crust and the problem of the boundary conditions: application to a rift system, the southern Rhinegraben
JJ Royer, M Danis
Tectonophysics 156 (3-4), 239-255, 1988
Uncertainty assessment in the stratigraphic well correlation of a carbonate ramp: Method and application to the Beausset Basin, SE France
F Lallier, G Caumon, J Borgomano, S Viseur, JJ Royer, C Antoine
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 348 (7), 499-509, 2016
A multiscale study of silty soil structure
F Bartoli, V Genevois‐Gomendy, JJ Royer, S Niquet, H Vivier, R Grayson
European Journal of Soil Science 56 (2), 207-224, 2005
The hidden monzogranite of Soultz-sous-Forêts (Rhine Graben, France)
JM Stussi, A Cheilletz, JJ Royer, P Chevremont, G Féraud
Géologie de la France, 45-64, 2002
3D-Parameterization of the 3D geological space–The GeoChron model
R Moyen, JL Mallet, T Frank, B Leflon, JJ Royer
ECMOR IX-9th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, cp-9-00016, 2004
3D modeling of uranium-bearing solution-collapse breccias in Proterozoic sandstones (Athabasca Basin, Canada)—Metallogenic interpretations
CLC de Veslud, M Cuney, G Lorilleux, JJ Royer, M Jébrak
Computers & Geosciences 35 (1), 92-107, 2009
Spatial variability of topsoil characteristics within one silty soil type. Effects on clay migration
F Bartoli, G Burtin, JJ Royer, M Gury, V Gomendy, R Philippy, T Leviandier, ...
Geoderma 68 (4), 279-300, 1995
Local geostatistical filtering application to remote sensing
YZ Ma, JJ Royer
Sciences de la Terre 27, 17-36, 1988
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Articles 1–20