Sevde Etoz
Cited by
Cited by
Analysis of microwave ablation antenna optimization techniques
S Etoz, CL Brace
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering 28 (3 …, 2018
Whole-heart ventricular arrhythmia modeling moving forward: Mechanistic insights and translational applications
E Sung, S Etoz, Y Zhang, NA Trayanova
Biophysics reviews 2 (3), 2021
Development of water content dependent tissue dielectric property models
S Etoz, CL Brace
IEEE journal of electromagnetics, RF and microwaves in medicine and biology …, 2018
An analysis of open-ended coaxial probe sensitivity to heterogeneous media
CL Brace, S Etoz
Sensors 20 (18), 5372, 2020
Computed tomography-based modeling of water vapor-induced changes in permittivity during microwave ablation
S Etoz, CL Brace
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 67 (9), 2427-2433, 2019
Quantifying optical properties with visible and near-infrared optical coherence tomography to visualize esophageal microwave ablation zones
RC Niemeier, S Etoz, DA Gil, MC Skala, CL Brace, JD Rogers
Biomedical Optics Express 9 (4), 1648-1663, 2018
Tissue permittivity measurement with concurrent CT imaging: Analysis of heterogeneity effects
S Etoz, CL Brace
2019 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 1-5, 2019
Development of a tissue dielectric properties model based on Maxwell-Fricke mixture theory
S Etoz, W Greisch, CL Brace
2018 IEEE International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC), 22-24, 2018
Lens-free common path OCT probe for quantification of optical scattering properties (Conference Presentation)
JD Rogers, RC Niemeier, S Etoz, C Brace
Biophysics, Biology and Biophotonics III: the Crossroads 10504, 105040A, 2018
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Articles 1–9