Jian Kong
Jian Kong
Massachusetts General Hospital
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Brain activity associated with expectancy-enhanced placebo analgesia as measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging
J Kong, RL Gollub, IS Rosman, JM Webb, MG Vangel, I Kirsch, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (2), 381-388, 2006
Acupuncture De Qi, from Qualitative History to Quantitative Measurement
J Kong, R Gollub, T Huang, G Polich, V Napadow, K Hui, M Vangel, ...
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 13 (10), 1059-1070, 2007
The salient characteristics of the central effects of acupuncture needling: limbic‐paralimbic‐neocortical network modulation
J Fang, Z Jin, Y Wang, K Li, J Kong, EE Nixon, Y Zeng, Y Ren, H Tong, ...
Human brain mapping 30 (4), 1196-1206, 2009
Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation modulates default mode network in major depressive disorder
J Fang, P Rong, Y Hong, Y Fan, J Liu, H Wang, G Zhang, X Chen, S Shi, ...
Biological psychiatry 79 (4), 266-273, 2016
Nonconscious activation of placebo and nocebo pain responses
KB Jensen, TJ Kaptchuk, I Kirsch, J Raicek, KM Lindstrom, C Berna, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (39), 15959-15964, 2012
Default mode network connectivity encodes clinical pain: an arterial spin labeling study
ML Loggia, J Kim, RL Gollub, MG Vangel, I Kirsch, J Kong, AD Wasan, ...
PAIN® 154 (1), 24-33, 2013
A functional magnetic resonance imaging study on the neural mechanisms of hyperalgesic nocebo effect
J Kong, RL Gollub, G Polich, I Kirsch, P LaViolette, M Vangel, B Rosen, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (49), 13354-13362, 2008
Patients with fibromyalgia display less functional connectivity in the brain's pain inhibitory network
KB Jensen, R Loitoile, E Kosek, F Petzke, S Carville, P Fransson, ...
Molecular pain 8, 1744-8069-8-32, 2012
Using fMRI to dissociate sensory encoding from cognitive evaluation of heat pain intensity
J Kong, NS White, KK Kwong, MG Vangel, IS Rosman, RH Gracely, ...
Human brain mapping 27 (9), 715-721, 2006
Exploring the brain in pain: activations, deactivations and their relation
J Kong, ML Loggia, C Zyloney, P Tu, P LaViolette, RL Gollub
Pain 148 (2), 257-267, 2010
Meditation's impact on default mode network and hippocampus in mild cognitive impairment: a pilot study
RE Wells, GY Yeh, CE Kerr, J Wolkin, RB Davis, Y Tan, R Spaeth, ...
Neuroscience letters 556, 15-19, 2013
A pilot study of functional magnetic resonance imaging of the brain during manual and electroacupuncture stimulation of acupuncture point (LI-4 Hegu) in normal subjects reveals …
J Kong, L Ma, RL Gollub, J Wei, X Yang, D Li, X Weng, F Jia, C Wang, F Li, ...
The Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 8 (4), 411-419, 2002
Effect of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation on major depressive disorder: a nonrandomized controlled pilot study
P Rong, J Liu, L Wang, R Liu, J Fang, J Zhao, Y Zhao, H Wang, M Vangel, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 195, 172-179, 2016
The neural substrate of arithmetic operations and procedure complexity
J Kong, C Wang, K Kwong, M Vangel, E Chua, R Gollub
Cognitive Brain Research 22 (3), 397-405, 2005
Overlapping structural and functional brain changes in patients with long‐term exposure to fibromyalgia pain
KB Jensen, P Srinivasan, R Spaeth, Y Tan, E Kosek, F Petzke, S Carville, ...
Arthritis & Rheumatism 65 (12), 3293-3303, 2013
Disrupted functional connectivity of the periaqueductal gray in chronic low back pain
R Yu, RL Gollub, R Spaeth, V Napadow, A Wasan, J Kong
NeuroImage: Clinical 6, 100-108, 2014
Psychophysical outcomes from a randomized pilot study of manual, electro, and sham acupuncture treatment on experimentally induced thermal pain
J Kong, DT Fufa, AJ Gerber, IS Rosman, MG Vangel, RH Gracely, ...
The Journal of Pain 6 (1), 55-64, 2005
Intrinsic functional connectivity of the periaqueductal gray, a resting fMRI study
J Kong, P Tu, C Zyloney, T Su
Behavioural brain research 211 (2), 215-219, 2010
Inserting needles into the body: a meta-analysis of brain activity associated with acupuncture needle stimulation
Y Chae, DS Chang, SH Lee, WM Jung, IS Lee, S Jackson, J Kong, H Lee, ...
The journal of pain 14 (3), 215-222, 2013
An fMRI study on the interaction and dissociation between expectation of pain relief and acupuncture treatment
J Kong, TJ Kaptchuk, G Polich, I Kirsch, M Vangel, C Zyloney, B Rosen, ...
Neuroimage 47 (3), 1066-1076, 2009
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Articles 1–20