Philip J. Schmidt
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Cited by
Enhancing diversity analysis by repeatedly rarefying next generation sequencing data describing microbial communities
ES Cameron, PJ Schmidt, BJM Tremblay, MB Emelko, KM Müller
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-13, 2021
Estimating the burden of acute gastrointestinal illness due to Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Campylobacter, E. coli O157 and norovirus associated with private wells …
HM Murphy, MK Thomas, PJ Schmidt, DT Medeiros, S McFadyen, ...
Epidemiology & Infection 144 (7), 1355-1370, 2016
Norovirus Dose–Response: Are Currently Available Data Informative Enough to Determine How Susceptible Humans Are to Infection from a Single Virus?
PJ Schmidt
Risk Analysis 35 (7), 1364-1383, 2015
Harnessing the Theoretical Foundations of the Exponential and Beta‐Poisson Dose‐Response Models to Quantify Parameter Uncertainty Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo
PJ Schmidt, KDM Pintar, AM Fazil, E Topp
Risk Analysis 33 (9), 1677-1693, 2013
Learning something from nothing: the critical importance of rethinking microbial non-detects
AHS Chik, PJ Schmidt, MB Emelko
Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 2304, 2018
Towards a more accurate quantitative assessment of seasonal Cryptosporidium infection risks in surface waters using species and genotype information
DR Lapen, PJ Schmidt, JL Thomas, TA Edge, C Flemming, J Keithlin, ...
Water Research 105, 625-637, 2016
QMRA and decision-making: Are we handling measurement errors associated with pathogen concentration data correctly?
PJ Schmidt, MB Emelko
Water research 45 (2), 427-438, 2011
Bacteria, viruses, and parasites in an intermittent stream protected from and exposed to pasturing cattle: prevalence, densities, and quantitative microbial risk assessment
G Wilkes, J Brassard, TA Edge, V Gannon, CC Jokinen, TH Jones, ...
Water research 47 (16), 6244-6257, 2013
Quantification of uncertainty in microbial data—reporting and regulatory implications
MB Emelko, PJ Schmidt, JA Roberson
Journal (American Water Works Association) 100 (3), 94-104, 2008
Using Campylobacter spp. and Escherichia coli data and Bayesian microbial risk assessment to examine public health risks in agricultural watersheds under tile drainage management
PJ Schmidt, KDM Pintar, AM Fazil, CA Flemming, M Lanthier, N Laprade, ...
Water research 47 (10), 3255-3272, 2013
Particle and microorganism enumeration data: enabling quantitative rigor and judicious interpretation
MB Emelko, PJ Schmidt, PM Reilly
Environmental science & technology 44 (5), 1720-1727, 2010
Describing water treatment process performance: Why average log-reduction can be a misleading statistic
PJ Schmidt, WB Anderson, MB Emelko
Water research 176, 115702, 2020
Quantification of analytical recovery in particle and microorganism enumeration methods
PJ Schmidt, MB Emelko, PM Reilly
Environmental science & technology 44 (5), 1705-1712, 2010
Analytical recovery of protozoan enumeration methods: Have drinking water QMRA models corrected or created bias?
PJ Schmidt, MB Emelko, ME Thompson
Water research 47 (7), 2399-2408, 2013
Confirming the need for virus disinfection in municipal subsurface drinking water supplies
MB Emelko, PJ Schmidt, MA Borchardt
Water research 157, 356-364, 2019
Evaluation of the 50% Infectious Dose of Human Norovirus Cin-2 in Gnotobiotic Pigs: A Comparison of Classical and Contemporary Methods for Endpoint Estimation
AK Ramesh, V Parreño, PJ Schmidt, S Lei, W Zhong, X Jiang, MB Emelko, ...
Viruses 12 (9), 955, 2020
Recognizing structural nonidentifiability: When experiments do not provide information about important parameters and misleading models can still have great fit
PJ Schmidt, MB Emelko, ME Thompson
Risk Analysis 40 (2), 352-369, 2020
Ensuring that fundamentals of quantitative microbiology are reflected in microbial diversity analyses based on next-generation sequencing
P Schmidt, E Cameron, K Müller, M Emelko
Frontiers in microbiology 13, 2022
Realizing the value in “non-standard” parts of the qPCR standard curve by integrating fundamentals of quantitative microbiology
PJ Schmidt, N Acosta, AHS Chik, PM D’Aoust, R Delatolla, HA Dhiyebi, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 14, 1048661, 2023
Variance decomposition: A tool enabling strategic improvement of the precision of analytical recovery and concentration estimates associated with microorganism enumeration methods
PJ Schmidt, MB Emelko, ME Thompson
Water research 55, 203-214, 2014
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Articles 1–20