Alys Granados
Alys Granados
Felidae Conservation Fund
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Cited by
Pangolins in global camera trap data: Implications for ecological monitoring
H Khwaja, C Buchan, OR Wearn, D Bantlin, H Bernard, R Bitariho, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 20, e00769, 2019
Movement and occurrence of two elephant herds in a human-dominated landscape, the Bénoué Wildlife Conservation Area, Cameroon
A Granados, RB Weladji, MR Loomis
Tropical Conservation Science 5 (2), 150-162, 2012
Human–elephant conflict around Bénoué National Park, Cameroon: Influence on local attitudes and implications for conservation
A Granados, RB Weladji
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 17 (2), 77-90, 2012
Defaunation and habitat disturbance interact synergistically to alter seedling recruitment
A Granados, JF Brodie, H Bernard, MJ O'Brien
Ecological applications 27 (7), 2092-2101, 2017
Persistence of mammals in a selectively logged forest in Malaysian Borneo
A Granados, K Crowther, JF Brodie, H Bernard
Mammalian Biology 81 (3), 268-273, 2016
Models for assessing local‐scale co‐abundance of animal species while accounting for differential detectability and varied responses to the environment
JF Brodie, OE Helmy, J Mohd‐Azlan, A Granados, H Bernard, ...
Biotropica 50 (1), 5-15, 2018
A pantropical assessment of vertebrate physical damage to forest seedlings and the effects of defaunation
C Rosin, JR Poulsen, V Swamy, A Granados
Global ecology and conservation 11, 188-195, 2017
Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape
AC Burton, C Beirne, KM Gaynor, C Sun, A Granados, ML Allen, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 8 (5), 924-935, 2024
The Gunung Palung Orangutan Project: Twenty-five years at the intersection of research and conservation in a critical landscape in Indonesia
CD Knott, EE Kane, M Achmad, EJ Barrow, ML Bastian, J Beck, ...
Biological Conservation 255, 108856, 2021
Crossing the (Wallace) line: local abundance and distribution of mammals across biogeographic barriers
JF Brodie, O Helmy, M Pangau‐Adam, G Ugiek, G Froese, A Granados, ...
Biotropica 50 (1), 116-124, 2018
Lowland biotic attrition revisited: body size and variation among climate change ‘winners’ and ‘losers’
JF Brodie, M Strimas-Mackey, J Mohd-Azlan, A Granados, H Bernard, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1847), 20162335, 2017
The influence of logging on vertebrate responses to mast fruiting
A Granados, H Bernard, JF Brodie
Journal of Animal Ecology 88 (6), 892-902, 2019
Mammalian predator and prey responses to recreation and land use across multiple scales provide limited support for the human shield hypothesis
A Granados, C Sun, JT Fisher, A Ladle, K Dawe, C Beirne, MS Boyce, ...
Ecology and Evolution 13 (9), e10464, 2023
Behavioral “bycatch” from camera trap surveys yields insights on prey responses to human‐mediated predation risk
AC Burton, C Beirne, C Sun, A Granados, M Procko, C Chen, M Fennell, ...
Ecology and Evolution 12 (7), e9108, 2022
The combined impacts of experimental defaunation and logging on seedling traits and diversity
A Granados, H Bernard, JF Brodie
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1873), 20172882, 2018
Persistence of tropical Asian ungulates in the face of hunting and climate change
A Granados, JF Brodie
The ecology of large herbivores in South and Southeast Asia, 223-235, 2016
Socio-ecological factors shape the distribution of a cultural keystone species in Malaysian Borneo
DJ Kurz, T Connor, JF Brodie, EL Baking, SH Szeto, AJ Hearn, ...
npj Biodiversity 2 (1), 4, 2023
Fruit availability influences forest elephant habitat use in a human dominated landscape, Campo-Ma’an, Southern Cameroon
IB Djoko, RB Weladji, A Granados, P Paré, G Body
Tropical Conservation Science 15, 19400829221117053, 2022
Local attitudes and elephant spatial distribution in the Bénoué region, Cameroon: implications for human-elephant conflict and conservation
A Granados
Concordia University, 2011
CamTrapAsia: A dataset of tropical forest vertebrate communities from 239 camera trapping studies
CP Mendes, WR Albert, Z Amir, M Ancrenaz, E Ash, B Azhar, H Bernard, ...
Ecology 105 (6), e4299, 2024
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Articles 1–20