Alistair Boyle
Cited by
Cited by
Electrical impedance tomography
A Adler, A Boyle
Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 1-16, 2019
Electrical Impedance Tomography: Tissue Properties to Image Measures
A Adler, A Boyle
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64 (11), 2494 - 2504, 2017
The impact of electrode area, contact impedance and boundary shape on EIT images
A Boyle, A Adler
Physiological measurement 32 (7), 745, 2011
Shape deformation in two-dimensional electrical impedance tomography
A Boyle, A Adler, WRB Lionheart
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 31 (12), 2185-2193, 2012
4D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) for aquifer thermal energy storage monitoring
N Lesparre, T Robert, F Nguyen, A Boyle, T Hermans
Geothermics 77, 368-382, 2019
Efficient computations of the Jacobian matrix using different approaches are equivalent
A Adler, A Boyle, WRB Lionheart
Proc. Intl. Conf. Biomed. Appl. Elect. Impedance Tomography, 74, 2017
EIDORS Version 3.9
A Adler, A Boyle, F Braun, MG Crabb, B Grychtol, WRB Lionheart, ...
18th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical …, 2017
Electrical resistivity imaging in transmission between surface and underground tunnel for fault characterization
N Lesparre, A Boyle, B Grychtol, J Cabrera, J Marteau, A Adler
Journal of Applied Geophysics 128, 163-178, 2016
Jointly reconstructing ground motion and resistivity for ERT-based slope stability monitoring
A Boyle, PB Wilkinson, JE Chambers, PI Meldrum, S Uhlemann, A Adler
Geophysical Journal International 212 (2), 1167-1182, 2018
Addressing the computational cost of large EIT solutions
A Boyle, A Borsic, A Adler
Physiological measurement 33 (5), 787, 2012
Bioimpedance Spectroscopy Processing and Applications
H Caytak, A Boyle, A Adler, M Bolic
Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, 2017
Development and validation of a deep learning algorithm and open-source platform for the automatic labelling of motion capture markers
AL Clouthier, GB Ross, MP Mavor, I Coll, A Boyle, RB Graham
IEEE Access 9, 36444-36454, 2021
Geophysical applications of electrical impedance tomography
A Boyle
Carleton University, 2016
Comparison of bolus-and filtering-based EIT measures of lung perfusion in an animal model
S Stowe, A Boyle, M Sage, W See, JP Praud, É Fortin-Pellerin, A Adler
Physiological Measurement 40 (5), 054002, 2019
Methods for calculating the electrode position Jacobian for impedance imaging
A Boyle, MG Crabb, M Jehl, WRB Lionheart, A Adler
Physiological measurement 38 (3), 555, 2017
Electrode models under shape deformation in electrical impedance tomography
A Boyle, A Adler
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 224 (1), 012051, 2010
Evaluating deformation corrections in electrical impedance tomography
A Boyle, WRB Lionheart, C Gómez-Laberge, A Adler
9th Conf. Electrical Impedance Tomography, Dartmouth College, Hannover, NH …, 2008
Beneficial techniques for spatio-temporal imaging in electrical impedance tomography
A Boyle, K Aristovich, A Adler
Physiological measurement 41 (6), 064003, 2020
The Effect of Boundary Shape Deformation on Two-Dimensional Electrical Impedance Tomography
AJS Boyle
Masters Abstracts International 49 (03), 2010
Machine learning and deep neural network architectures for 3D motion capture datasets
A Boyle, GB Ross, RB Graham
2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2020
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Articles 1–20