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Dynamic mechanical and thermal behavior of epoxy resins based on soybean oil AE Gerbase, CL Petzhold, APO Costa Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 79, 797-802, 2002 | 209 | 2002 |
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The input-output place-transition petri net class and associated tools L Gomes, JP Barros, A Costa, R Nunes 2007 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics 1, 509-514, 2007 | 171 | 2007 |
Selective destruction of glioblastoma cells by interference with the activity or expression of ATF5 JM Angelastro, PD Canoll, J Kuo, M Weicker, A Costa, JN Bruce, ... Oncogene 25 (6), 907-916, 2006 | 122 | 2006 |
Apoptosis and insulin resistance in liver and peripheral tissues of morbidly obese patients is associated with different stages of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease DMS Ferreira, RE Castro, MV Machado, T Evangelista, A Silvestre, ... Diabetologia 54, 1788-1798, 2011 | 119 | 2011 |
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Variability of radial growth in cork oak adult trees under cork production A Costa, H Pereira, A Oliveira Forest ecology and management 175 (1-3), 239-246, 2003 | 99 | 2003 |
NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS: a data set of occurrence of xenarthran species in the Neotropics PM Santos, A Bocchiglieri, AG Chiarello, AP Paglia, A Moreira, ... Ecology 100 (7), e02663, 2019 | 80 | 2019 |
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Systems of exchange values as tools for multi-agent organizations GP Dimuro, AC Costa, LAM Palazzo Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 11, 31-50, 2005 | 75 | 2005 |
Effects of depuration on the element concentration in bivalves: Comparison between sympatric Ruditapes decussatus and Ruditapes philippinarum R Freitas, LR Pinto, M Sampaio, A Costa, M Silva, AM Rodrigues, ... Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 110, 43-53, 2012 | 72 | 2012 |
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Improved technique for studying ion channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes, including fast superfusion AC Costa, JW Patrick, JA Dani Biophysical Journal 67 (1), 395-401, 1994 | 72 | 1994 |
In vitro regeneration from leaf explants of Neoregelia cruenta (R. Graham) LB Smith, an endemic bromeliad from Eastern Brazil LA Carneiro, RFG Araújo, GJM Brito, M Fonseca, A Costa, OJ Crocomo, ... Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 55, 79-83, 1998 | 71 | 1998 |
The quality of service: An overall performance assessment for water utilities FS Pinto, AS Costa, JR Figueira, RC Marques Omega 69, 115-125, 2017 | 67 | 2017 |
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ML-CIRRUS: The airborne experiment on natural cirrus and contrail cirrus with the high-altitude long-range research aircraft HALO, B. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 98, 271–288 C Voigt, U Schumann, A Minikin, A Abdelmonem, A Afchine, S Borrmann, ... | 66 | 2017 |
Qualidade técnica e satisfação relacionadas às próteses totais APS Costa, FCA Machado, ALBP Pereira, AFP Carreiro, MÂF Ferreira Ciência & saúde coletiva 18, 453-460, 2013 | 59 | 2013 |
Climate response of cork growth in the Mediterranean oak (Quercus suber L.) woodlands of southwestern Portugal A Costa, I Barbosa, C Roussado, J Graça, H Spiecker Dendrochronologia 38, 72-81, 2016 | 58 | 2016 |