Colin Brauner
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Homeostasis and toxicology of essential metals
CM Wood, AP Farrell, CJ Brauner
Academic press, 2012
Responses of pink salmon to CO2-induced aquatic acidification
M Ou, TJ Hamilton, J Eom, EM Lyall, J Gallup, A Jiang, J Lee, DA Close, ...
Nature Climate Change 5 (10), 950-955, 2015
Effects of environmental factors on exercise in fish
D Randall, C Brauner
Journal of experimental biology 160 (1), 113-126, 1991
The effect of hypoxia on gill morphology and ionoregulatory status in the Lake Qinghai scaleless carp, Gymnocypris przewalskii
V Matey, JG Richards, Y Wang, CM Wood, J Rogers, R Davies, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (7), 1063-1074, 2008
Patterns of acid–base regulation during exposure to hypercarbia in fishes
CJ Brauner, DW Baker
Cardio-respiratory control in vertebrates: comparative and evolutionary …, 2009
Biology of stress in fish
CB Schreck, L Tort, A Farrell, C Brauner
Academic Press, 2016
The effect of acclimation to hypoxia and sustained exercise on subsequent hypoxia tolerance and swimming performance in goldfish (Carassius auratus)
SJ Fu, CJ Brauner, ZD Cao, JG Richards, JL Peng, R Dhillon, YX Wang
Journal of Experimental Biology 214 (12), 2080-2088, 2011
Physiological, biochemical and morphological indicators of osmoregulatory stress inCalifornia'Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus× O. urolepis hornorum) exposed to …
BA Sardella, V Matey, J Cooper, RJ Gonzalez, CJ Brauner
Journal of Experimental Biology 207 (8), 1399-1413, 2004
Fish physiology: The multifunctional gut of fish
M Grosell, A Farrell, C Brauner
Academic Press, 2010
Transition in organ function during the evolution of air-breathing;insights from Arapaima gigas, an obligate air-breathing teleost from the Amazon
CJ Brauner, V Matey, JM Wilson, NJ Bernier, AL Val
Journal of Experimental Biology 207 (9), 1433-1438, 2004
Root effect hemoglobin may have evolved to enhance general tissue oxygen delivery
JL Rummer, DJ McKenzie, A Innocenti, CT Supuran, CJ Brauner
Science 340 (6138), 1327-1329, 2013
The effect of short-duration seawater exposure on the swimming performance of wild and hatchery-reared juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) during smoltification
CJ Brauner, GK Iwama, DJ Randall
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51 (10), 2188-2194, 1994
Understanding barotrauma in fish passing hydro structures: a global strategy for sustainable development of water resources
RS Brown, AH Colotelo, BD Pflugrath, CA Boys, LJ Baumgartner, ...
Fisheries 39 (3), 108-122, 2014
Fish Physiology: Euryhaline Fishes: Fish Physiology
SD McCormick, AP Farrell, CJ Brauner
Academic Press, 2013
Ions first: Na+ uptake shifts from the skin to the gills before O2 uptake in developing rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
C Fu, JM Wilson, PJ Rombough, CJ Brauner
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1687), 1553-1560, 2010
The effect of temperature on juvenile Mozambique tilapia hybrids (Oreochromis mossambicus x O. urolepis hornorum) exposed to full-strength and hypersaline seawater
BA Sardella, J Cooper, RJ Gonzalez, CJ Brauner
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2004
Effect of dietary canola oil level on the growth performance and fatty acid composition of juvenile red sea bream, Pagrus major
SSY Huang, AN Oo, DA Higgs, CJ Brauner, S Satoh
Aquaculture 271 (1-4), 420-431, 2007
A radical approach to beating hypoxia: depressed free radical release from heart fibres of the hypoxia-tolerant epaulette shark (Hemiscyllum ocellatum)
AJR Hickey, GMC Renshaw, B Speers-Roesch, JG Richards, Y Wang, ...
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 182, 91-100, 2012
Interspecific differences in hypoxia-induced gill remodeling in carp
RS Dhillon, L Yao, V Matey, BJ Chen, AJ Zhang, ZD Cao, SJ Fu, ...
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 86 (6), 727-739, 2013
Air breathing in the armoured catfish (Hoplosternum littorale) as an adaptation to hypoxic, acidic, and hydrogen sulphide rich waters
CJ Brauner, CL Ballantyne, DJ Randall, AL Val
Canadian Journal of Zoology 73 (4), 739-744, 1995
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Articles 1–20