Tara M. Dumas
Tara M. Dumas
Huron University College at Western University
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Cited by
Physically isolated but socially connected: Psychological adjustment and stress among adolescents during the initial COVID-19 crisis.
WE Ellis, TM Dumas, LM Forbes
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2020
What does adolescent substance use look like during the COVID-19 pandemic? Examining changes in frequency, social contexts, and pandemic-related predictors
TM Dumas, W Ellis, DM Litt
Journal of Adolescent Health 67 (3), 354-361, 2020
Lying or longing for likes? Narcissism, peer belonging, loneliness and normative versus deceptive like-seeking on Instagram in emerging adulthood
TM Dumas, M Maxwell-Smith, JP Davis, PA Giulietti
Computers in human behavior 71, 1-10, 2017
Identity development as a buffer of adolescent risk behaviors in the context of peer group pressure and control
TM Dumas, WE Ellis, DA Wolfe
Journal of adolescence 35 (4), 917-927, 2012
“Blurred lines?” Sexual aggression and barroom culture
K Graham, S Bernards, D Wayne Osgood, A Abbey, M Parks, A Flynn, ...
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 38 (5), 1416-1424, 2014
Positive parenting in adolescence and its relation to low point narration and identity status in emerging adulthood: A longitudinal analysis.
TM Dumas, H Lawford, TT Tieu, MW Pratt
Developmental Psychology 45 (6), 1531, 2009
The role of peer group aggression in predicting adolescent dating violence and relationship quality
WE Ellis, J Chung-Hall, TM Dumas
Journal of youth and adolescence 42, 487-499, 2013
Linking masculinity to negative drinking consequences: The mediating roles of heavy episodic drinking and alcohol expectancies
S Wells, A Flynn, PF Tremblay, T Dumas, P Miller, K Graham
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 75 (3), 510-519, 2014
Examining the pathways between bully victimization, depression, academic achievement, and problematic drinking in adolescence.
JP Davis, TM Dumas, GJ Merrin, DL Espelage, K Tan, D Madden, ...
Psychology of addictive behaviors 32 (6), 605, 2018
Substance use outcomes for mindfulness based relapse prevention are partially mediated by reductions in stress: Results from a randomized trial
JP Davis, D Berry, TM Dumas, E Ritter, DC Smith, C Menard, BW Roberts
Journal of substance abuse treatment 91, 37-48, 2018
When women do not want it: Young female bargoers’ experiences with and responses to sexual harassment in social drinking contexts
K Graham, S Bernards, A Abbey, TM Dumas, S Wells
Violence against women 23 (12), 1419-1441, 2017
Young women's risk of sexual aggression in bars: the roles of intoxication and peer social status
K Graham, S Bernards, A Abbey, T Dumas, S Wells
Drug and alcohol review 33 (4), 393-400, 2014
Extending poly-victimization theory: Differential effects of adolescents’ experiences of victimization on substance use disorder diagnoses upon treatment entry
JP Davis, ER Dworkin, J Helton, J Prindle, S Patel, TM Dumas, S Miller
Child Abuse & Neglect 89, 165-177, 2019
Is it good to be bad? A longitudinal analysis of adolescent popularity motivations as a predictor of engagement in relational aggression and risk behaviors
TM Dumas, JP Davis, WE Ellis
Youth & Society 51 (5), 659-679, 2019
Gaining likes, but at what cost? Longitudinal relations between young adults’ deceptive like-seeking on instagram, peer belonging and self-esteem
TM Dumas, MA Maxwell-Smith, PF Tremblay, DM Litt, W Ellis
Computers in Human Behavior 112, 106467, 2020
Adverse childhood experiences and development in emerging adulthood
JP Davis, TM Dumas, BW Roberts
Emerging adulthood 6 (4), 223-234, 2018
Effect of victimization on impulse control and binge drinking among serious juvenile offenders from adolescence to young adulthood
JP Davis, TM Dumas, BL Berey, GJ Merrin, JR Cimpian, BW Roberts
Journal of youth and adolescence 46, 1515-1532, 2017
Effect of mindfulness-based relapse prevention on impulsivity trajectories among young adults in residential substance use disorder treatment
JP Davis, N Barr, ER Dworkin, TM Dumas, B Berey, G DiGuiseppi, ...
Mindfulness 10, 1997-2009, 2019
How much does your peer group really drink? Examining the relative impact of overestimation, actual group drinking and perceived campus norms on university students' heavy …
TM Dumas, JP Davis, C Neighbors
Addictive behaviors 90, 409-414, 2019
Street intercept method: An innovative approach to recruiting young adult high‐risk drinkers
K Graham, S Bernards, JD Clapp, TM Dumas, T Kelley‐Baker, PG Miller, ...
Drug and alcohol review 33 (4), 449-455, 2014
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Articles 1–20