Marta Maslej
Marta Maslej
Krembil Centre for Neuroinformatics, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
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Cited by
The mortality and myocardial effects of antidepressants are moderated by preexisting cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis
MM Maslej, BM Bolker, MJ Russell, K Eaton, Z Durisko, SD Hollon, ...
Psychotherapy and psychosomatics 86 (5), 268-282, 2017
The form and function of depressive rumination
M Bartoskova, M Sevcikova, Z Durisko, MM Maslej, SP Barbic, M Preiss, ...
Evolution and Human Behavior 39 (3), 277-289, 2018
Conceptualising fairness: three pillars for medical algorithms and health equity
L Sikstrom, MM Maslej, K Hui, Z Findlay, DZ Buchman, SL Hill
BMJ health & care informatics 29 (1), 2022
Transfer learning for risk classification of social media posts: model evaluation study
D Howard, MM Maslej, J Lee, J Ritchie, G Woollard, L French
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (5), e15371, 2020
Creating fictional characters: The role of experience, personality, and social processes.
MM Maslej, K Oatley, RA Mar
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 11 (4), 487, 2017
Reappraising the variability of effects of antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia: a meta‐analysis
RA McCutcheon, T Pillinger, O Efthimiou, M Maslej, BH Mulsant, ...
World Psychiatry 21 (2), 287-294, 2022
Individual differences in response to antidepressants: a meta-analysis of placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials
MM Maslej, TA Furukawa, A Cipriani, PW Andrews, M Sanches, ...
JAMA psychiatry 78 (5), 490-497, 2021
Individual differences in response to antidepressants: a meta-analysis of placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials
MM Maslej, TA Furukawa, A Cipriani, PW Andrews, BH Mulsant
JAMA psychiatry 77 (6), 607-617, 2020
Transfer Learning for Depression: Early Detection and Severity Prediction from Social Media Postings.
P Abed-Esfahani, D Howard, M Maslej, S Patel, V Mann, S Goegan, ...
CLEF (working notes) 1, 1-6, 2019
A randomized controlled dismantling trial of post-workshop consultation strategies to increase effectiveness and fidelity to an evidence-based psychotherapy for posttraumatic …
S Wiltsey Stirman, N Shields, J Deloriea, MSH Landy, JM Belus, ...
Implementation Science 8, 1-8, 2013
Psychosocial treatments for adults with PTSD.
PA Resick, CM Monson, CA Gutner, MM Maslej
The Guilford Press, 2014
Disordered doctors or rational rats? Testing adaptationist and disorder hypotheses for melancholic depression and their relevance for clinical psychology
PW Andrews, MM Maslej, JA Thomson Jr, SD Hollon
Clinical Psychology Review 82, 101927, 2020
Testing the analytical rumination hypothesis: Exploring the longitudinal effects of problem solving analysis on depression
M Sevcikova, MM Maslej, J Stipl, PW Andrews, M Pastrnak, G Vechetova, ...
Frontiers in psychology 11, 1344, 2020
Cocreating meaning through expressive writing and reading for cancer caregivers
YW Leung, MM Maslej, C Ho, S Razavi, P Uy, MA Hosseini, J Avery, ...
Journal of Palliative Care 38 (3), 307-315, 2023
Apps and gaps in bipolar disorder: a systematic review on electronic monitoring for episode prediction
A Ortiz, MM Maslej, MI Husain, ZJ Daskalakis, BH Mulsant
Journal of affective disorders 295, 1190-1200, 2021
Evolutionary theory and the treatment of depression: It is all about the squids and the sea bass
SD Hollon, PW Andrews, DR Singla, MM Maslej, BH Mulsant
Behaviour Research and Therapy 143, 103849, 2021
A Motivational Interviewing Chatbot With Generative Reflections for Increasing Readiness to Quit Smoking: Iterative Development Study
A Brown, AT Kumar, O Melamed, I Ahmed, YH Wang, A Deza, M Morcos, ...
JMIR Mental Health 10, e49132, 2023
Using expressive writing to test an evolutionary hypothesis about depressive rumination: sadness coincides with causal analysis of a personal problem, not problem-solving analysis
M Maslej, AR Rheaume, LA Schmidt, PW Andrews
Evolutionary Psychological Science 6, 119-135, 2020
Why does expressive writing affect emotion? Considering the impact of valence and cognitive processing.
MM Maslej, N Srikanth, L Froentjes, PW Andrews
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2020
Out with AI, in with the psychiatrist: a preference for human-derived clinical decision support in depression care
MM Maslej, S Kloiber, M Ghassemi, J Yu, SL Hill
Translational Psychiatry 13 (1), 210, 2023
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Articles 1–20