Abderrezak Rachedi
Abderrezak Rachedi
Full Professor (Professeur des Universités), Univ. Gustave Eiffel, LIGM Lab
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Cited by
Cognitive-radio-based internet of things: Applications, architectures, spectrum related functionalities, and future research directions
AA Khan, MH Rehmani, A Rachedi
IEEE wireless communications 24 (3), 17-25, 2017
Integrating renewable energy resources into the smart grid: Recent developments in information and communication technologies
MH Rehmani, M Reisslein, A Rachedi, M Erol-Kantarci, M Radenkovic
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (7), 2814-2825, 2018
A survey on mobility management protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks based on 6LoWPAN technology
M Bouaziz, A Rachedi
Computer Communications 74, 3-15, 2016
A secure routing protocol based on RPL for Internet of Things
G Glissa, A Rachedi, A Meddeb
2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-7, 2016
UAV-assisted supporting services connectivity in urban VANETs
OS Oubbati, N Chaib, A Lakas, P Lorenz, A Rachedi
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (4), 3944-3951, 2019
When cognitive radio meets the internet of things?
AA Khan, MH Rehmani, A Rachedi
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2016 …, 2016
Vehicular cloud networks: Challenges, architectures, and future directions
T Mekki, I Jabri, A Rachedi, M ben Jemaa
Vehicular Communications 9, 268-280, 2017
Wireless Sensor Networks From Theory to Applications : Monitoring mechanisms for wireless sensor networks: challenges and solutions
AR Ibrahiem M. M. El Emary, S. Ramakrishnan
CRC Press, 2013
A job market signaling scheme for incentive and trust management in vehicular ad hoc networks
N Haddadou, A Rachedi, Y Ghamri-Doudane
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 64 (8), 3657-3674, 2014
A survey of UAV-based data collection: Challenges, solutions and future perspectives
K Messaoudi, OS Oubbati, A Rachedi, A Lakas, T Bendouma, N Chaib
Journal of network and computer applications 216, 103670, 2023
A distributed advanced analytical trust model for VANETs
T Gazdar, A Rachedi, A Benslimane, A Belghith
Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2012 IEEE, 201-206, 2012
A new fuzzy logic based node localization mechanism for wireless sensor networks
S Amri, F Khelifi, A Bradai, A Rachedi, ML Kaddachi, M Atri
Future Generation Computer Systems 93, 799-813, 2019
EMA-RPL: Energy and mobility aware routing for the Internet of Mobile Things
M Bouaziz, A Rachedi, A Belghith, M Berbineau, S Al-Ahmadi
Future Generation Computer Systems 97, 247-258, 2019
A secure and resistant architecture against attacks for mobile ad hoc networks
A Rachedi, A Benslimane
Security and communication networks 3 (2‐3), 150-166, 2010
EKF-MRPL: Advanced mobility support routing protocol for internet of mobile things: Movement prediction approach
M Bouaziz, A Rachedi, A Belghith
Future Generation Computer Systems 93, 822-832, 2019
Results of the French Evalda-Media evaluation campaign for literal understanding
H Bonneau-Maynard, C Ayache, F Bechet, A Denis, A Kuhn, F Lefèvre, ...
The fifth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation …, 2006
Modeling and simulation of computer networks and systems: Methodologies and applications
F Zarai, P Nicopolitidis
Morgan Kaufmann, 2015
IEEE access special section editorial: The plethora of research in Internet of Things (IoT)
A Rachedi, MH Rehmani, S Cherkaoui, JJPC Rodrigues
IEEE Access 4, 9575-9579, 2016
Synchronizing UAV teams for timely data collection and energy transfer by deep reinforcement learning
OS Oubbati, M Atiquzzaman, H Lim, A Rachedi, A Lakas
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 71 (6), 6682-6697, 2022
Trust and exclusion in vehicular ad hoc networks: an economic incentive model based approach
N Haddadou, A Rachedi, Y Ghamri-Doudane
2013 Computing, Communications and IT Applications Conference (ComComAp), 13-18, 2013
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Articles 1–20